The lore of the white lions is closely associated with the constellation Orion, the Hunter, also known as Matsieng to the Bushman (Tucker). Not under threat because their white coats make it hard for them to camouflage their hunt. A heightened sense of awareness, telepathy, and psychic ability. After all, it’s not for nothing that they are known as the kings of the jungle. And Achi Chokey Dolma is the protector who rides this lion. The lion is also a symbol of royalty and leadership and may also represent the Buddhist king Ashoka. White Lion To see a white lion in your dream highlights your majestic power. Its serene energy and power represent fearlessness and spiritual awaking. Throughout African history there have been prophecies about these White Lions which are considered enlightenment bearers. On their arrival the star-like object rose up from the ground, bathing the land once more in its radiant light, and shot through the sky. The White Lion is symbolic of the rarity and value of strength when it is placed in service of the divine. Like the shamans of Africa, I accept that the White Lions are agents of light: Lions of God. Nazareth. The old white lion with the scars is the USA and the younger lions were those groups and nations that the lion “led from behind” (one of Obama’s favorite strategies) in attacking Syria and their president Bashar Assad. They thought it must be a star from the heavens. But the lion recognizes this and attempts to find spiritual lessons within the anger and outbursts. A true story about how going to Peru changed my life and how I hope it will change yours, too! Sorry, you have Javascript Disabled! Perhaps it’s time to increase your community responsibilities and organize cooperation among your peers. A form of lion dance found in the Tibetan areas is called the snow lion dance or Senggeh Garcham. A golden lion represents your leadership qualities. If the answer is yes lion asks you to keep a regular check on your personal power making sure it does not turn into negative egotistical behaviour. As for Queen Numbi, she eventually returned to rule her people endowed with magical powers. The white lion stands for hope, healing, and justice. Those sun wheels, made centuries upon centuries ago, do not usually resemble the complexity of this parti… And they are here – real, solid and alive. Lions have archetypically been related to kings, royalty, aggression, and pride. Seeing a lion in a dream not attacking just looking at you symbolizes he is here for you as a spiritual guide and teacher. But…what White Lions you might ask? Copyright 2020 Outer Travels Inner Journeys | All Rights Reserved, Waking Your Lionheart South African Sacred Journey. To see this page as it is meant to appear, please enable your Javascript! What do you think? Shadow & Light. However white tigers are pure white with black stripes and sapphire blue eyes. Then one night a bright light descended from the skies and landed in a valley not far from her royal kraal. A Lioness represents the need to build for tomorrow. Mountain Lion: Noticing a mountain lion is highly symbolic reflecting on your life’s journey. A lion in the Bible is also represented as a symbol of the truth and celestial love. Lions are here for all to call upon as spirit totems. So they are not albino. Seeing lions in jungles indicates loyalty and respect from the people around you and that you have influence over these people since lions have authority over all other a… The white lion stands for hope, healing, and justice. White Star Lions of South Africa. You may be given ultimate leadership roles in your work where you manage other managers. Even though her people quailed at the sight and sound, the Queen showed no fear and with two of her oldest and most trusted servants made her way to the ‘star’. Their eyes are usually the normal hazel or golden colour although some have blue, blue-green or greyish-green eyes. Remember, white is the color of the Divine, and to the Native Americans, seeing the sacred White Buffalo was the same as when others see Angels. The lion is a common charge in heraldry.It traditionally symbolises courage, nobility, royalty, strength, stateliness and valour, because historically the lion has been regarded as the "king of beasts". Often, the lion is a blonde/ golden color but we have seen in many different zoos the fact that they have populated white lions. First of all they are not albino. They will defend religious freedom and the choice of finding God in one’s own way. The Queen and her people went to look. Learn more about Buffalo Spirit by reading Buffalo Dream Meanings & Symbolism on! Attacked by an illness which made her legs and stomach swell, her people prayed for months to the ancestors for guidance but the Queen edged closer to death each day. Spirit of White Tiger Role: Seeker of Personal Truth Lesson: Power of Conviction Element: Fire Wind: South Recalling the Inner Child Medicine: Uniqueness Keywords: Divining Personal Truth. The bear suit that protected Assad was obviously Russia. The power of thought magick lies with the white lion, the keeper of dreams and secrets. She told her servants that as a Queen she must accept the welcome of such a high being. And as Credo Mutwa also said this appearance 400 years ago was more of a re-appearance. If the lion in your dreams is eating with you, it shows that you may have problems at … Schwarze Sonne (Black Sun), sometimes called the sonnerad: symbol has become synonymous with myriad far-right groups who traffic in neo-Nazi and/or neo-Volkisch ideologies. In one version of the Greek myth of Orion and Artemis - the goddess of the sacred hunt and guardian of animal life on earth - Orion was slain because he boasted that he could rid the earth of all wild animals. With strength courage and astonishing spirit, the lion or lioness stands for exactly that. As they approached, Queen Numbi was drawn to the light and welcomed by a strange being she perceived as God. Lions in dreams indicate that you are thinking about the instinctual part of your brain, the animal brain that we all possess. 400 years ago in Africa, there lived a queen named Numbi. She was an old white haired woman, a previously powerful leader now failing in limb and heart. Interested in a sacred journey in South Africa culminating in a meeting with White Lions in the wild please follow the link: Waking Your Lionheart South African Sacred Journey. It also signifies how you are the master of your own domain, and how you are the epitome of strength, power, and masculinity. According to the mythological story* 400 years ago in the region of South Africa, now known as Kruger National Park there lived Numbi the Queen of an Empire. Strength through Conviction. Those who hold the animal totem lion are leaders, not followers free thinkers with a unique knowledge of earth magick and wisdom. Individuality. Lion learns the spiritual and metaphysical symbolism behind the Lion. Aren’t lions golden? A mythological, turquoise or lapis lazuli blue-maned, white lion known as a snow lion, has become the national symbol of Tibet. Golden Lion A golden lion represents the royalty, the king of kings, expect great power to be bestowed upon you. He says that even though it’s considered myth Queen Numbi was a real person and these are true events. White is also the fundamental symbol for the animus; it addresses the male intellect and also male aggression (when white is experienced as blinding and gleaming). In Christianity, the lion was a symbol of God's power. Puma/ Panther: These dreams bring your attention to the shadow side of the dreamer. The White Tiger is renowned for its strength and majestic fierceness. Entering the shining object she disappeared from view and the two servants fled back to the village. With the profound clarity and magic of the lioness, the feminine power is at its strongest with a lioness at the helm. Connecting with the divine female energy within lioness grants sisterhood and the rise to meet the goddess (Artemis). A red lion stands for your eternal wish to achieve enlightenment. The winged lion symbolism appeared in Prophet Ezekiel’s vision where four winged creatures represent the four evangelists; Matthew as a human, Mark as a lion, Luke as a bull, and John as an eagle. In this way, the words of the spirit master gradually became clear to me: “When man destroys the agents of light in this world, he freezes consciousness.” Lion. The lion references the Buddha, formerly Shakyamuni, a member of the Shakya (lion) clan. However the lion presents itself is a clue on your progress. Each of these White Spirit Animals belongs to a species at the apex of their ecosystem, meaning the environment in which they live will unravel without them. Those times in your life where you’ve had to call on inner strength and fortitude to accomplish a giant task. The realm of animal spirits and their meanings the almighty Power. 10 Reasons why you will love the Peru Odyssey adventure, A Virtual Tour of Peru’s Megalithic Ancient Sites, Grandmothers University – A perspective from Ladakh on globalisation, A random and unusual gift travelling through Ladakh in India, with Sheela, Himalayan Odyssey – 22 Day Indian Spiritual Tour, Peru Odyssey – 22 Day Peruvian Spiritual Tour, Peru Pilgrimage Tour – A Sacred Journey to Machu Picchu, Future Adventures with Outer Travels Inner Journeys. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window). Furthermore, the groundwork you lay down today will manifest your destiny. But under threat. It is part of the oral history of the African continent he has learned through his training. A chakra (wheel) was originally mounted above the lions. Lion spirit animal. *We took this mythological story from the book The Mystery of the White Lions – Children of the Sun God written by Linda Tucker. Because they symbolize prosperity, success and guardianship, they are full of meaning, which makes them popular in … The guardian lion, also known as the komainu, shishi or foo dogs, is a formidable, fabulous lion-like creature that could be seen in a variety of art forms from architecture to tattoos. The lion is a friendly self-composed big beast power with a message of sagacity. But what if they’re just genetic mutants? This is a sign of an old soul learning to live with emotions and the restrictions of the mind by being extremely self-aware. Magical, mystical and marvellous. Are they messengers from God? But, if this powerful animal appears in our dreams, the Bible said that it could also be some kind of a spiritual attack. Dreams about White Buffalo is a positive omen of success. Are White Lions a result of a spaceship visiting South Africa 400 years ago or are they Star Beasts, messengers from God? Science is exploring the genetic marker, which once found will prove they’re not an aberration. These lions have the same colour eyes as the tawny lion although some of them are a radiant blue. Of pure heart and undeniable devotion, the white lion spirit … That it denotes the good of celestial love is evident in John:--. Many thanks to David Pearson for the wonderful White Lion images. Play with caution and be aware, by having this dream you may be able to avoid it. A heightened sense of awareness, telepathy, and psychic ability. Anger frustration and ignorance are part of the lion as well. Alternatively, Lion symbolism focuses on timing and power. Wild, wonderful and white. Dreaming of white lions. Bengal tigers are normally orange with black stripes and green or yellow eyes. The name seng ge and its related forms come from Sanskrit siṅha, and cham or garcham is a Buddhist ritual dance. Take a look at what is happening in your life at the time of the dream is there a challenge you may need lions to help with? She heard the story first hand from Credo Mutwa, one of the last Lion Shamans on the planet. It traditionally symbolizes strength, courage, war, instinct, willpower, courage, vision, and clairvoyance. A white lion may also indicate sudden awareness of the power you hold. Dreaming of a mountain reflects areas of hard work, overcoming obstacles, and spirituality. In most cases the symbolism of this animal is positive. White Lion Captivating Eyes Wild, wonderful and white. © as channelled by psychic medium Ian Scott. The snow lion dance may be performed as a secular dance, or as a ritual dance performed by bon po monks. The White Tiger is a rare and exceptional anomaly that occurs naturally in only one out of 10,000 Bengal tiger births. Dreams with white lions reflect your majestic power. Or just a genetic aberration, with no significance whatsoever? White lions are connected to our own spiritual journey in life and in many ancient dream books denote that seeing a white lion stands for: great imagination, peace, harmony and spiritual development. Uniqueness. She … The spiritual meanings of the animal totem lion. To find out more about Linda Tucker and her work visit the Global White Lion Protection Trust website here. Spirit animal lion asks? Therefore, white lions within dreams have a secure connection with momentum, courage, and wisdom, which denotes your inner strength, sincerity, and your desire to achieve your goals without harming anyone. Dreaming of lion or lions attacking you in a dream augers a negative rift within family or work colleagues. Speaking through ancient and modern prophecy and the many humans who communicate with them, these White Spirit Animals are urgently calling to humanity to restore balance and protect our animal kin, ourselves, and the earth. Lion Spiritual Meaning and Symbolism in Different Cultures and Religions. Email: retreats@outertravelsinnerjourneys, Web: Christianity. Egyptian Paganism. The lion is a symbol of power and majesty. Magical, mystical and marvellous. The union of Red and white is that of contradiction: it is the symbol of the mystical marriage and Tantric sexuality (white semen and red menstrual blood). With a Lion Animal Spirit at your side, your personality is a magnet for others, and often people want to emulate that something special about you. White Lion symbolizes truth, spiritual enlightenment & celestial resplendence Red Lion symbolizes royalty & valor ~ this symbol is also used in heraldry & coats of arms Dream Symbolism ~&~ the Meaning of Dreaming of Lions & Lionesses According to the mythological story* 400 years ago in the region of South Africa, now known as Kruger National Park there lived Numbi the Queen of an Empire. Allowing the lion to enter your mind body and spirit will provide the indomitable spirit needed to rescue the self from the self. White Lion dream interpretations Lion Dream Explanation — • Riding on a lion’s back: Will ride on a high tide, either by travelling by sea in the inappropriate season when the sea is in fury or by succeeding or outsmarting the ruler. Are these sacred animals walking out of the mythological history in to our current reality? The legacy of that night includes a number of strange births for many years afterwards at what became known as Timbavaati – cattle with two heads, white impala, white leopards, even white elephants as well as the legendary White Lion… Since this time White Lions, although an infrequent occurrence, are born in the wild in this one place only – Timbavaati – the place where star lions came down – a sacred land for a sacred creature. The lion also carries Judeo-Christian symbolism. This symbolizes how the lion totem dominates in relationships, both personal and professional. The power of thought magick lies with the white lion, the keeper of dreams and secrets. The dreamer might also be facing a situation wherein he … Egypt A Lion Eating. WHITE LION GENETICS. Or simply magnificent mutants? They show us how to be … Welcoming this spirit guide into your life means that you will get the strength you need to face and overcome hurdles in your life. Not surprisingly, the lion is one of Durga, the Indian great protector goddess's vahanas (along with the tiger, and the black goat.) The astral form of the animal spirit the lion is something to behold entering your dreams and capturing your imagination. Being chased by lion or lions in a dream is a sign of a lack of self-confidence, but also a sign telling you that you have the strength to complete a difficult task. Claim: United States President Donald Trump's re-election campaign used a logo that has also been used by white nationalist groups. The lion symbolism also emphasizes personal power – your strength, self-confidence, courage, and assertiveness. This light which spread across the land emanated from a strange humming object, big enough to house a meeting. Lion meaning also aids you in recognizing and understanding your own noble and regal attitudes. Sign up here to receive promotions and information about new adventures! Dreams reveal what we often do not perceive with our senses. The lion spirit animal is the symbol of unrivaled courage. That a lion denotes the good of celestial love and the derivative truth, in its power, and also that in the opposite sense it denotes the evil of the love of self in its power, is evident from passages in the Word where a lion is mentioned. An open book is seen lying below the front legs of the lion. Yes, but there is the rarest of rare jewel in the Lion Kingdoms Crown – the beautiful and sacred mythological white one. The symbol is based on the ancient sun wheel artifacts that were made and used by Norse and Germanic tribes as symbol of their pagan beliefs. A green lion marks the starting point of life’s transformations. Of pure heart and undeniable devotion, the white lion spirit animal is the total protector usually of an entire family. have you a strong sense of personal power, if the answer is no lion wishes you to use him to help you achieve this. Spiritual leaders who have a Lion Spirit Guide are firm in their convictions. They have pigmentation which is visible in the eyes, paw pads and lips. This spirit animal comes to your life when you have a situation that you find too difficult to control. White lions are not albino (unpigmented) but are leucistic - leucism describes an effect rather than a particular gene. Albino’s have an absence of colour which makes their eyes go pink. Their significance is up to you to decide. Their characteristic qualities are clear intentions, a focused and disciplined approach to life and the strength of the Spiritual Warrior. In Bible and Christianity But under threat from the hunters bullet as they are a prize beyond diamonds.

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