I apologize for the slightly off topic question, but I just made your chocolate brioche pretzels from your cookbook. I live in a house of red meat eaters! Michele Humes recently wrote a beautiful tome about her adventures with it and it has only further sparked my lust. It’s supposed to be 60 degrees in Portland, OR, this weekend, so the hubs is gonna break out the grill for this recipe! Thanks as always for sharing. I have recently acquired a 5 year old stepkid and tend to be pretty bad at guessing what he will or won’t eat. How would you suggest I make it flavorful? But you must include lime and also salt. We make them often. Years later, I know, but I tried this last night, and YUM! Much better than the commercial variety. And we exclaim over how delicious it is every single time. I think mixing it with a fork, of all things, matters, too. One where I can get in the trenches and make mistakes and have someone show me how to correct what I did wrong (probably multiple times!) And where do you get it? #16 Laura: You can do it! His newest book also has gluten free recipies.http://www.artisanbreadinfive.com/2010/02/09/back-to-basics-tips-and-techniques-to-create-a-great-loaf-in-5-minutes-a-day. 1 1/2 teaspoons dried oregano Your fajitas look lovely, a bit of chopped parsley, cilantro, chives, dill with a snippet of lemon zest and sea salt also create another level. So basically, that’s what I crave if/when I go out: thai, mexican, indian are my favourites. They also had a good punch to sandwiches. Thanks! I know it is wrong but tex mex is a guilty pleasure of mine. Cooking is my passion. Thanks, I, too, love fajitas… might have to try out the slaw the next time, it sounds like it would make a fantastic complement to the fajitas! I’ll have it back up soon.]. Grilled the skewers on smoking hot grill and came out just like the fajitas in the cast iron skillet. Something delicate and light for spring and asparagus. ps. Boy, were we wrong! jessicakal Sep 09 2016 2:56 am Hye Jung reminds me of Meredith Grey Ji Hong reminds me of Derek Shepherd the story line reminds me of Grey's Anatomy but it's Korean drama which will pop the drama more even if it doesn't make sense hahah I can't remember most of the OST which means it is not spectacular, but OK. overall I like it. We love tacos of any sort and this sounds like a great variation. I want some abuela in mexico to teach me all the flavors and spices and how the heck they meld together to make perfect auburn sauce. Heat again until everything is sizzling and bring to the table. DDM DRY RST NUTS SALTED $1.34 - $2.00 Eckrich Franks $3.00 - $4.29 Doritos Tortilla Chips, Nacho Chees… Croissants! The pickled onions are a standard in my house; just made some up to have on hand. I’ve made the Lazy Taco Slaw with regular Daisy brand sour cream (the only ingredient is cultured cream) with no curdling issues whatsoever. :). But with Asian/East Asian flavors and I tense up. It’s not that I’m a hopeles cook, no, I actually managed a perfect beef wellington this christmas. If I had infinite time, I would make croissants, brioche, and pho (broth, noodles, and all). I’m not sure why it never occurs to me to make Tex-Mex (or regular Mex). They would bring them out on a sizzling platter followed by clouds of steamy delicious aroma. time. I’ve always wanted to make Rao’s Lemon Chicken. This was so good and easy! I’d love to to make more cakes, develop confidence and a sense of mastery, but it’s safe to have only so much of that stuff in the house. The recipe says to let the dough rise 2 hours, but I let it rise in a warm oven for 3 hours–the chocolate chips were melted and the dough was gloppy when I tried to roll out the pretzels. Re, the samosa thing is the problem I have with most dumpling-type things (empanadas, ravioli, potstickers). Perfect recipe. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Okay, I realize that probably didn’t make any sense outside my head. ‘È molto facile’, she said, but I fear nothing I could make would ever come close to hers. Eventually I will find a Seville orange! We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Fajitas is one of my favorite meals of all time, and this post is a brilliant reminder of what should we eat tomorrow night with a couple of margaritas on the side…. And gelato. Silly Rachel! Dishes I’d love to make: I’ll throw in my vote for duck confit. I’ve had starters before, and I’ve been able to keep them going for a little while, and the bread has been delicious. I’ll get back to you and tell you whether it taste like the real stuff in Mexico, ha. I think for my dream, I’d like to make Thomas Keller’s Beef Stroganoff from his Ad Hoc book which requires you first make beef short ribs and pappardelle. -Cheese blintzes (working up to undertaking your recipe!). These were great! Yum, looks delicious. I recently baked eight(!) I made these last night thinking “ok, these will make a great meal for the week, should last me a few days”. I think they’re a little more willing to try new things in the future. Required fields are marked *. we’re on a total street taco fix too! I used a heavy, flat bottomed sauce pan to press them out and it worked well. Thanks for another recipe! I seriously love corn tortillas, and would love to try my hand at them. My current dream project that’s constantly on the back burner is making homemade cronuts. And a traditional Southern-style coconut cake (with the seven-minute frosting). Ha! The skillet will be quite full, so the splattering gets smothered by ingredients. I’ve always made soft tacos — so similar, but not quite the same. this summer. I would love to tackle Beef Wellington one of these days! (This list used to be longer, but I’ve learned how to cook many so many good things since I started reading this site: pizza, pudding, cakes, pasta sauces. I’ve tried making both at home but they never come close to their store bought counter parts. but just wondering, can I make it on the grill? Add the spices and lime juice to the veggies while they’re sizzling? i am all for tackling this cake at home. I’ve taken a stab at “Indian cooking lite,” but would love to have all the ingredients and time to have a truly magnificent, long-cooking meal. Deb, Bo ssam would be fantastic. I’d remake a chocolate napoleon that I made once for my own birthday years ago (chocolate puff pastry, chocolate cream, chocolate shavings on top) – it took three days and was worth every minute. I think you could try seasoning portobello mushrooms or firm tofu similarly. Download the free app or browser extension for cash back on in-store and online purchases. I put it in the fridge to let it firm up, but now when I roll it, it begins to tear. Mariah — Ha! Thanks, Deb for helping me to get them to try something outside of their comfort zone. Now that I reread my request, it really sounds like a dream, doesn’t it? Your prompt above just was too tempting and I had to comment: I dream of making ECLAIRS! I dream of making perfect whole wheat (or at least mostly whole wheat) sourdough bread and pizza dough! My neighbors from Mexico are really specific about it. Now my whole apartment smells like a Chili’s. I cooked fresh mussels all by myself last summer for the first time and had some trials because there was a lot of conflicting information on the internet. Saag paneer. I love Mexican food! The eclairs I made when we got home from our trip were tasty but not pretty. Fajitas are usually served with flour tortillas. 1 garlic clove, minced or pressed I just have to say that I make this at least once a month – it has become a family favorite. Did I see you say something about making your own corn tortillas!? I quit trying to make fajitas at home because they were bland! We looked through the ingredients and had almost everything to make this meal. Will store this away for six weeks (plus? Yes, I do fear that if I ever cook from one of her posts in full, it will not live up to the photos, because of the whole East Village vs. Medoc thing. And the best part is there are enough leftovers for a second helping later this week! And then invent a tutu that I will fit in after I eat a batch. Here’s a great article on fajita history. good. HI could I make this recipe with chick. I made the veg-only version: used ~1.5x more peppers and onions (added the spices toward the end of cooking so they wouldn’t burn). Deb, I just made this, following the recipe exactly. Perfection! These look great, and happen to be my what if meal…but….you see, I am allergic to carrots, celery and bell pepper..AND my husband dislikes onions. We have a popular place in St Louis called ‘Strange Doughnuts’ and their flavors are insane and inventive. In these parts, this would be called tacos, not fajitas, because of the corn tortillas. A bakery in my hometown made these coffee cakes while I was growing up and I’d love to taste them again. Then I sliced the sausage, stirred it back in, topped with bread crumbs, and continued to cook uncovered til crusty/reduced. You made a lasagne that had a million layers. 1 teaspoon chili powder One dish I would love to master if I had the time is Ramen. Little delicate pancakes filled with shredded meats and vegetables. For protein, I pan-fried some extra firm tofu in a skillet until golden brown. Your ambitious cooking dreams — Thank you, I love these, and yes, I am chewing on a potential new project where I could tackle a few of these and hope it pans out so we can all enjoy it. I would love to make pho with that broth that cooks for a whole day or two. I haven’t laughed that hard in weeks! Yes, it’s really freaking heavy, but I just leave it in the oven most of the time. It’s probably silly, but it just seems so complicated and fussy and intimidating to me with thw whole raw egg getting transformed subtly by the heat of the pasta. I got to the bottom of your post and did a double take at the link to Eggplant and Barley Salad. I like to try new dishes, so if it’s something I don’t think he’ll like, I make a plain version of the protein in the meal- poached chicken while I’m making fajitas, for example. For some reason the process puts me off even though it sounds easy enough. Phyllis, I just made this and it is fabulous…. Fajitas are a weekly or biweekly occurrence at my place. then”, but it’s not that easy for me. 20 to 25 minutes before you’re ready to eat: Heat oven to 250 and wrap tortillas in foil. But maybe one day…. These are in our permanent rotation – just put a batch in to marinate tonight! Can I change mine to real authentic Belgian waffles? :). He add a small amount of fresh orange juice, worcestershire sauce and vinegar. I need guidance. I absolutely LOVE fajitas. Kelly – #125 here’s a chicken tikka masala recipe that’s good. Homemade tortillas are one recipe I keep meaning to tackle! I have a pita bread recipe I love but my attempts at naan have failed. I love the TJ brand since it is also organic. I would love to live vicariously from my desk! so if you do not want to mess up the range top, do try these… I won a chili cook-off one year by bringing in a chorizo and queso fresco stuffed tortellini to go with my otherwise standard pot of chili. Homemade is best! Chicken fajitas were my favorite homemade dinner growing up, though back then my mom added very few spices (actually, none). I’m thinking it’s my spices? He wrapped his in our usual cook-and-eat flour tortillas, I served mine over black beans. For now, though, I am content to cook my way through your archives! (Actually I dream that you’ll make them and I can drool over the recipe photos and cool story lol). 1/2 teaspoon smoked paprika 8 (6-inch) flour or corn tortillas In fact, your recipes are so useful that I make all those pretty often now. I don’t think I’ve ever made fajitas, as much like you, they were a weekly staple in my parents house in the mid-90’s. Could be just a regional thing. Now that’s what I’m talking about “sizzling chicken fajitas” I love hot foods. In the States it’s more of a grab-something-on-the-way-home-open-a-bag-of-lettuce sort of schedule. You might want to check out the comment guidelines before chiming in. Home run Deb! Get real cash back on your everyday purchases with Ibotta. Wow she my friend miss out! These fajitas look incredible, btw! THANK YOU SO MUCH! i dream of almond croissants! Add thinly sliced red onion. https://www.google.com.mx/search?q=galette+de+pomme+de+terre+berrichonne&espv=210&es_sm=93&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=UzcvU73nGYKdqQGsrIA4&ved=0CAkQ_AUoAQ&biw=781&bih=368. I’ve always wanted to make doughnuts from scratch, but never can muster the strength to do it because I never have enough people to feed them to and if I do I am always trying to do a million other things for the party and don’t have time. I saw this post during my break at work and then promptly made these for dinner. (I’ve watched dozens of YouTube videos in Chinese about it! What should I do? Seven years ago: Italian Bread and Mediterranean Eggplant and Barley Salad. Fixings (pick your favorites) 1 1/2 cup cooked black beans (1 15-ounce can, drained and rinsed) Salsa or pico de gallo Sliced avocado or guacamole Shredded cheese or sour cream Minced white onion or pickled red onions Chopped cilantro, pickled jalalpenos, hot sauce and lime wedges Naan – and i mean, it just seems so do-able! I’m an assistant pastry chef, so I spend my days making things I thought I’d never have the skill set or courage for – croissants, puff pastry, pate a choux, eclairs, macarons, italian meringue buttercream – and it is GLORIOUS. One day, out of the blue, he called me at work and announced, “I have FAJITA MADNESS. I’m also just a singleton so it’s the common problem of cooking for one. Marinaded for two days. Thank you Deb for another great recipe. Cook peppers, onions and chicken: Heat your largest skillet (I use a 12-inch cast iron) on the highest heat. Auxiliary data. Can´t wait for the corn tortillias:D. So, I know nothing about Mexican food. Last dream dish I promise, I would love to make portuguese sweet bread. Also, sourdough. Motorcycle, Bicycle, Airplanes, Boat, Walking: Tell me a topic that a person should not talk about on a date. That is what I aspire to, to make someone sublimely happy through cooking. As for what I dream about making from scratch, probably fancy dishes involving fresh homemade pasta. Inspired by the one-pot farro risotto, I just let everything cook down together (tomatoes, sausage, bean, garlic, raw onion, herbs) in a covered baking dish. But maybe because I’m elbow-deep in sugar all day, I dream about mostly savory dishes at home. I was just thinking what to do with the chicken in the freezer. = ), Would love to see Kouign Amann. Sadly I didn’t have any tortillas so I just ate the fajita veggies, beans and chicken out of a bowl but it didn’t lack anything :) I think I will be making fajitas again this weekend. Do you have any suggestions to minimize the mess/cleanup? Oh, and the fabulous artisan eclairs we had in Paris last summer. They have so many good recipes in that book, it is my fallback cookbook for so many pasta recipes in an age where I’d rather go to your blog or find other recipes online than look in a book. And my friends love the homemade goldfish crackers. Or palak paneer, depending on language preference. Or, would it just be an extra large batch of peppers and onions? And especially right now, on the first day of spring. (Partly because I don’t make it often enough, I’m pretty slow and clumsy.). Then I ended up watching 10 horribly lit, overly long (some, in fact, in Spanish, which I do not speak) YouTube videos on it (my new favorite way to learn anything in the kitchen, despite production quality issues!) He told this very pompous story about how fajita actually means skirt steak, so if he is ever in a restaurant that offers chicken fajitas or, god forbid, shrimp fajitas, he just “throws my menu to the floor and stomp out immediately.” I hope he was kidding, but he probably wasn’t. Comprised of mostly cold parts — we like it with a light lime slaw, pico de gallo, slices of avocado, black beans and Tapatio, of course, but shredded cheese, sour cream and pickled onions are equally popular toppings — and requiring only stovetop cooking for all of ten minutes in a single skillet, this seems the perfect dish to usher us away from all of the soups, stews and heavy white foods we console ourselves with all winter, and into the light, crunchy more colorful meals ahead. I’ve done a lot of exploring in the kitchen over the past couple of years – facilitated by a wonderful renovation and loads of inspiration from my cookbooks and blogs like yours. -Layer cakes (especially ones that feature toffee or custardy fillings) We grilled the chicken breasts (lightly pounded) and the sliced veggies to get a nice char, and then sliced the chicken for serving. I don’t recommend yogurt or sour cream because they might curdle. I’m pretty fearless, I cook all our bread stuffs, cookies, cakes, pasta, ice cream, jams, pickles, even grind meat to make burgers and sausage, soap but we don’t eat the soap! My go-to is also a PF Chang’s copycat recipe: https://iowagirleats.com/2011/04/26/p-f-changs-lettuce-wraps-remade/. Reality: Weekly meal that always works, fresh fried potatoes with onion and bacon, then when they are almost done, push to the side, and crack 3-4 eggs in the middle, cover with lid and let the heat of the potatoes cook the eggs to perfection. The directions in Art of French Cooking are pretty foolproof. Too authentic – what a complaint, right? I can’t wait to hear about your homemade corn tortillas….I’ve tried them once. My husband and I still laugh about it and pretend to be appalled if the fajitas are anything other than skirt. I’d also like to try Momofuku’s Pulled Pork. Here is my current list of dream dishes: For me,in California, that’s what pico de gallo is. I work part-time and have two young kids, so time is the main issue. One of these days I might attempt, or perhaps you can show us the way??? Online Dictionaries: Definition of Options|Tips Options|Tips I am happy to hear that it’s not just me that considers anything other than onion, lime and salt in guacamole heresy. Waiting is the key! The key here is thigh meat instead of breast meat, so the chicken is not dry. They really were perfection! My dream food to cook is mole poblano. I want it to taste really coconutty–coconut oil, coconut milk, SOMETHING in the cake. Open it out, then press each tortilla between the two halves. With all the ingredients except two spices and the chicken, I decided this would be a perfect dinner for tonight after the heavy food of winter. Four years ago: Baked Rigatoni with Tiny Meatballs, St. Louis Gooey Butter Cake, Warm Mushroom Salad with Hazelnuts and Coconut Milk Fudge It’s “exotic” to me in a way that, say, Thai or Indian or French isn’t. This is not that out there, but I would like to tackle chicken lettuce wraps. Excellent timing, as always :-), Tacos are a frequent weeknight standby in our house, but the jump from tacos to fajitas look pretty easy (and tasty!). I would love to make Indian dishes well. I noticed for the past few they’ve been MIA…. of and to in a is that for on ##AT##-##AT## with The are be I this as it we by have not you which will from ( at ) or has an can our European was all : also " - 's your We We are huge indian food fans, but always disappointed with the recipes we try compared to our local joint. Rachel- I make a vegan version of pad Thai from chezpim. I dream sweet savory dreams of homemade tortellini en brodo. I love your method. These look great. Jess — Ha! I have a child with a wheat allergy and have tried several recipes for corn tortillas and they have all been awful. We finished at 2:30 in the afternoon and on a non-performance night that was it. There was an epic fail once that has scared me away since. A few special occasion dishes. my peeps are to young and foolish and picky. Also, cabbage – any & everything with cabbage. Has it REALLY been over 7 years?! Otherwise, this is a delicious dish. Only problem — and it’s actually not a problem — that seriously made a LOT. I don’t have the time or the quince but I do have the wish! When I was dancing in Russia, the chocolate was strangely airy.

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