Send an encouraging message or prayer to the campaign owner. God answered it for her daughter in amazing ways. Your prayer on truth is a God send, I have no doubt it will be a big help to a lot of people. Mon Nov 16, 2020 - … The Prayer for Revelation of hidden things will be based on Jeremiah 33: 3. Truth is already within us but it has been almost lost, it has been darkened by this world we live in. Heavenly Father, we are told to pray in spirit and truth and I ask You to show me how to pray in spirit and truth. It is a petition to God stating that we are in agreement for His Will to be made manifest in these areas of concern. Prayer brings us so close to the love of God. Be wise as serpent and harmless as dove. People of any religion can give this prayer. And the lies they propagate! We can have hope and confidence that truth has already and will triumph. Support and pray for him to lead the country *Right*. . The exposure, bringing to justice and cleaning house of those who do not stand for Freedom, The sovereignty of the United States and the fulfillment of the Divine plan for America and have been called – the deep state, the international capitalist communist conspiracy, the swamp and all other pools of corruption including state, city and local governments, Threats by forces bent on destroying America and duly appointed elected officials and who threaten nuclear war such as George Soros and his threats against the duly appointed President. I pray that my human spirit may be led and guided by Your Holy Spirit, Who by faith in Christ is living in me, so that I may be directed to pray in accordance with Your will. The office of Secretary of State and all other government agencies in Federal, State and local governments. Loving Father, I have found myself in a situation at my work where the truth is being hidden and a tissue of lies are being told by those that are in management and leadership positions. Lord, I don’t really know what to do or how to handle this matter, but I know Lord, that people are being hurt and in my helplessness, I simply want to hand this matter to You, and pray that You would expose the evil works of darkness and all those that are involved. I pray to you as the ultimate truth of the universe. Fill out the ETM Prayer Request form and we will pray with or for you. Please read this call to God aloud as written. My desire is for You alone Lord, as You soothe my soul and satisfy the hunger I have to seek the truth in Your Word. Copyright 2020 | All Rights Reserved | The Prayerful Patriot | A Corsi Nation Affiliate Website, God’s Will For The Supreme Court And The 2020 Elections (12/11 9:00AM EST), Gods Will for Dr Jerome Corsi’s Request for Supreme Court Relief, The exposure of all corruption and compromise to the Divine plan of America, the Constitution of the United States, the Bill of Rights, the Divine rule of law, attacks against the four sacred Freedoms , from any quarter, any group, any country, any agency including but not limited to: The United States Department of Justice, The Federal Bureau of Investigation, The National Security Agency and the Central Intelligence Agency, Homeland Security, The TSA. Help us to persevere in prayer and faith! In the Name of Jesus Christ, I renounce all relationships dishonoring to the Lord, Heavenly Father, break the power of soul ties over our minds and emotions for ourselves and for those people. Reveal the secrets of your enemies Lord! How Trump will expose and stop biggest election heist in world history The evidence of fraud, both digital (computerized) and analog (ballot-stuffing) is overwhelming. I would burn the spell ask the Goddess or your preference to answer your prayer as the ashes/spell burn in to the air, the use of elements will help too. Light the candle when your friend or lover is in the room. Let them know you are praying for them. But the truth is, spiritual forces are still at work. Blessed Be. Expose all the media’s falsehoods, deception, lies and the twisting of the truth to fit their narrative. Things will be put in place when the … When we arm ourselves and pray, we salute His authority and partner with His plan for the family of God. This agreement is a very detailed prayer for the victory of truth. The LORD will stop those flattering lips and cut off those bragging tongues. A psalm of David. Today I claim victory over Satan by putting on the whole armor of God! As I worship and praise Your mighty and powerful name, help me to overcome the lies of the enemy and to seek truth. Gracious Heavenly Father, You are my strength and my shield. James 5:16 The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. It reinforces our faith that He is truly always with us, assisting us and guiding us to His heavenly home. Dealing with the grief of losing a family member? “In the name of God, I AM THAT I AM and in the name Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, and the Holy Christ Presence around all who give this prayer, we agree together that the Will of God be made manifest for: We also agree together to be shown the power and effect of these prayers, and ask that we be guided in ways that we cannot ignore for the saving of our nation, and we pray to receive the maximum help and assistance from God that we may receive for these issues. But praying this way affirms our confidence in God’s ultimate justice. The cutting free of all of our children and youth from false indoctrination in schools colleges and universities, including stopping of curriculums that are being funded by the same individuals who oppose God’s will for America. To take him into tomorrow. Exposure and bringing the media organizations to justice who refuse to tell the truth, are misdirecting mass perceptions and not exposing where the real corruption is and the individuals who are behind it instead putting forth false narratives and stirring up sentiments to create false perceptions of the truth. During this process God will speak to you when your mind is calm and your spirit is at rest. (Isaiah 19; Luke 8:17) A PRAYER FOR TRUTH TO BE REVEALED. PRAYERS AGAINST FALSE ACCUSATIONS. We pray for a just ruling regarding Burisma Holdings and any connection with the Biden family or its work to influence our government and/or 2016 election. We ask for the cloak of invincibility, invulnerability, invisibility, and protection to be upon us, our loved ones, and those to whom we are spiritually tied. Thank You that You are interested in all areas of our lives and as the God of truth, I pray that You will hear and answer my prayer in Your own time and in Your own way to Your glory. This prayer caused me to get to the Truth of me. They’re rebellious towards the Word of God and when someone rebukes them they say, “thou shall not judge.” First, that verse is talking […] Prayer. Luke 21:16. “And ye shall be betrayed both by parents, and brethren, and kinsfolks, and friends; and some of you shall they cause to be put to death.”. The stopping of all secret societies, their members and all others who are attempting to overthrow rightly elected officials and usurp the Constitution of the United States, overthrow the President of the United States, who are politicizing law enforcement agencies, who should be investigating their own corruption and are not, and who are contributing to the downfall of the moral fiber of America. . Pray that the lawless deeds of sinful men would be put to shame and that those blinded by the lies would awaken to know the truth. Prevent me from doing or saying anything that will aggravate the situation or cause more distress, but also I pray that in Your grace You would sort out the situation speedily as it is having far reaching effects on me and many of my work-mates. So you want to get in … I also realized that when someone was ungrateful to me, I was less likely to give more to them. Exposing the truth about cults, mind manipulation, and false prophets. Most people who call themselves Christians in America will be thrown into hell. This is based upon a specific key given by Jesus the Christ. I pray that my human spirit may be submitted to Your Spirit of Truth, for I … This site will concentrate on prayer as "THE" way to confirm His Truth and readers will soon see the value of prayer as God reveals simple Truth to us All, even moments before we read it or hear it.You will be amazed. I pray Lord Jesus, that all forms of deception, will be exposed, driven out, and thrown into the abyss with all its lies, effects, adverse effects, and stings never to return in Jesus Name. During the battle, this mother simply ask God to expose the truth. Seeking the Truth in God’s Word. The Warrior's Prayer: Heavenly Father, Your warrior prepares for battle. I pray all tactics from the enemy will be blocked because of the blood of Christ. Having trouble in your marriage? Pushed to the brink, back to the wall, right up to the wire, all escape routes closed . GiveSendGo - Expose the truth about Hammer and Scorecard: The #1 Free Christian Fundraising Site. How to Cast the Truth Spell Anoint the candle with the marjoram oil before the person you want to tell the truth to comes over. It is a special prayer using the power of agreement promised by Jesus in the Bible in Matthew 18:18-20. I claim this promise from Jesus, “I am the way, the truth and the life.” (John 14:2 NIV.) Prayer to overcome the lies of the enemy Almighty God, thank You for the many blessings You continue to pour out upon my family members and myself. The Truth About House of Prayer Christian Church (HOPCC) And Rony DENIS EXPOSED! It is a special prayer using the power of agreement promised by Jesus in the Bible in Matthew 18:18-20. Exactly with the same distinction of sense St. John uses both words ( John 3:20-21 ). Prayer For The Truth To Be Exposed At Work. Keep us from falling prey to the lies! Give me wisdom I pray, to know what to do. . We ask that no light be given unlawfully, unauthorized, to any part of life where there is not the commitment unto the soul’s salvation unto the worship of her God. . Upon the sheminith. Lord, I don’t really know what to do or how to handle this matter, but I know Lord, that people are being hurt and in my helplessness, I simply want to hand this matter to You, and pray that You would expose the evil works of darkness … Expose all darkness! In Jesus' name I pray, Amen. God used this story of His faithfulness to teach me to ask Him to expose the truth in my circumstances. Right now in Jesus Christ’s Name, I come before you Heavenly Father and I ask that You will put a hedge of protection around my mind subconsciously or consciously to where doorways will be blocked by the blood of Christ. The devil continues with his conniving tactics, to try to make me believe his lies. To "reprove" after the Christian manner is to bring into the full light of Christ's truth; and the effect of this is not merely to reprove, but to illumine by the inherent power of the light. A Prayer Against Liars - For the director of music. Whether now or later, the truth will win out and hidden evils will be exposed. Always obey the holy Rule of love GOD and people while trying to expose what is hidden. To get him through the battle. It is a petition to God stating that we are in agreement for … Whatever religion you practice, whether Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Zorastrianism, “New Age” or “Old Age” religion, whether you are fundamentalist, progressive, traditional, or non-traditional, all are welcome to join us in prayer for the saving of our nation. Please lend your voice to this prayer. The God of angel armies makes us ready for battle with His truth, salvation, faith, righteousness, peace, and the sword—the Word of God. {Truth #533} PRAYER 533: I Accept Your Word Jesus, Without Rebellion {Truth #504} PRAYER 504: Help Me Be Content With What I Have {Truth #538} PRAYER 538: Bound To Their Parents {Truth #703} You Dont Need A Preacher, Priest or Church To Get To GOD! November 16, 2018 at 2:37 am Truth Spells – Make Someone tell the Truth or Expose the Truth. There's nothing like crisis to expose the otherwise hidden truth … So work hard to expose the hidden truth about who really won. I thank You that I have the privilege to worship You. PRAY FOR THE LORD TO CONFUSE AND CONFOUND THE PLANS OF THOSE WHO OPERATE COUNTER TO THE TRUTH. Please lend your voice to this prayer. Every wise soldier knows he must do one thing. There will be fast recovery when the enemy of your marriage is shown to you. The best time to pray this is at night before you go to bed. Discussing the Situation Distinguish between a suspicion and evidence-based accusation. It was such a simple but powerful prayer. only then does our society crack open a hint of recognition that God may be there and—"if you believe . THE PLACE OF TRUTH (The CULT known as HOUSE OF PRAYER CHRISTIAN CHURCH in HINESVILLE GA) ... we need to pray for the True worshippers to worship the father in Spirit and in Truth. We agree together for the transmuting power of the Holy Spirit to consume the causes and cores of these negative conditions and to correct all that is not of God. Always remember that the real President is the one who really won the election. Loving Father, I have found myself in a situation at my work where the truth is being hidden and a tissue of lies are being told by those that are in management and leadership positions. Origin of this prayer: I wrote this prayer when I realized most of my prayers were begging and pleading or came out of my mouth when I was desperate and hopeless. The exposure and bringing to justice of all individuals who are: subverting the Divine plan for America, committing treasonous acts against the country through personal agendas, greed, misuse of their public and private offices for personal gains and hidden power grabs, supporting financially groups whose agendas are to destroy democracy and take down people whose ideology or stands for moral issues are a threat to them. Lay the rosebud beside it so that the conversation does not turn sour, resentful or heated while the truth is being told. How you … They say, “Our tongues will help us win. Save me, LORD, because the good people are all gone; no true believers are left on earth. I wanted to be more prayerful and more grateful. Spoken prayer is much more effective than silent prayer. We also agree together for the absolute God protection from the backlash from the forces of darkness in response to this prayer and the subsequent release of light into these situations. Prayer Render ineffective all the media’s gaslighting!! False accusations against an innocent person is a serious sin before God and a serious offence before humanity. *Note: In the spirit of patriotism and liberty, and honoring the sacred freedoms of speech, to gather, and to worship as we feel led, we invite all lovers of God, that same God who spoke to Moses from the burning bush and gave his name as “I AM THAT I AM”, to join us in prayer. 1 Timothy 2:5 #truth His banner of victory flies over us. Bible verses about exposing evil It absolutely saddens and disgusts me by the amount of fake Christians in Christianity. Prayer When Someone is Lying About You Dear God of all truth, I come to you today suffering because of a person who is lying about me. The stopping of all false investigations and false flag events designed to divert attention away from where and who the real corruption lies with including the continuing Russia Trump investigation when no real evidence has been found, yet there has been documented Russian collusion occurring with the Clintons, the Clinton foundation and the Uranium One deals which have been demonstrated to have been violations of the law and possible treasonous acts as well as any other refusals to deal with the true corruption, and then misdirect it to others, The cutting free of all citizens of America and the rest of the world from false understandings, embracing false truths and those who are making problems for themselves by supporting untruthful positions and attacking those who are standing for the truth unknowingly or maliciously. Let Us Pray. Prayer For The Truth To Be Exposed At Work. Everyone lies to his neighbors; they say one thing and mean another. The Bible says (Psalm 35:20), “For they do not speak peace, but against those who are quiet in the land they devise words of deceit” A false accusation is to deliberately damage a person’s reputation and integrity. I put on the Girdle of Truth! you should commence prayer." This agreement is a very detailed prayer for the victory of truth. He is the real president. We pray that any misinformation and lies that have been reported will be exposed and that the truth will come fully into the light. Adjust these prayers to fit your particular brand of dogma or doctrine and let our unity be the love of God, of freedom, and of this nation! Teach me Lord, to pray as You would have me pray. Lord, I lift up each of my colleagues that are being affected and pray that You would meet each one at their own point of need, both those that are engaged in the lies that are being spread around and those that are being hurt as a consequence. Obviously we must also pray the Lord’s Prayer, The Our Father and Our Lady’s Prayer, The Rosary. He concluded with a prayer: Lord, teach us to move beyond ourselves, and to set out in search of truth.

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