Certainly, the result of this is good for his own mind. Your Moon Sign describes your instinctive or emotional energies, your innate reactions, and the things you need to feel comfortable or secure. Your astrology moon sign indicates the “inner you.” If you have a Libra moon sign in your natal chart, it means that when you were born, the moon was traveling through the Libra zodiac sign. In a way, he is quite a street smart person! 8. The Sun of the double Libra man will always be emphasized. However, he’s fighting throughout his life to achieve it as he cannot for the life of him balance life and fun equally. They are loyal workers. You thrive on love, attention, and dreams, and often you seem to live in a dream world. She likes living life to the fullest and is very social. His uttermost need is a female companion. Sagittarius Horoscope During a Libra Moon (Sagittarius dates: November 22 – December 20) The Libra Moon transit highlights your love of fair play and justice, and during these few days … Libra Sun Aries Moon Man In A Nutshell. This causes him to be self aware. In some cases this is handy but when he’s in a relationship, it’s probably not a good thing. So just think about what can happen when all of them embrace a man’s emotions through the moon. Libra Moon Sign Compatibility Moon In Libra. This man keeps chivalry alive to … This is especially true when it comes to legal matters. My name is Anna Kovach, and I’m a Relationship Astrologer. There are both light and dark sides to the Libra man. It makes her emotionally confident and secure. The Libra man will go to great lengths to avoid conflict and achieve calmness in his life. Apparently, the masculine aspect of Libra favors her mind most. But he’s simply lovable. When going on a date, she expects his partner to pull her chair and open the door of the car for her. It can go many different ways as far as what he wants for himself versus what the right thing to do is. In a way, he is quite a street smart person! It is the work of his emotions which prefer to take the middle road instead of left and right. It can also make some signs MORE emotional than they ordinarily would be. Remember that a man’s sun sign is the basic personality of who he is so sometimes it will overrule the moon sign. He is not foolish at all. The Libra man struggles with an indecisive nature and his fear of making the wrong decision will sometimes stop him from making any decision at all. He’s someone who can get along with just about anyone even when he doesn’t particularly like someone. And not just any glue, but that cheap off-brand super glue that will make it impossible for you to let go when you hold his hand. When you have some issues or problems that you’re trying to find solutions to, the Libra moon guy can absolutely help you with that. This video gives you the ins and outs of dating someone with Libra Moon. When a Libra man shares everything with you – from his possessions to his thoughts – he’s got deep feelings for you. This type of attitude helps him in his professional life, in relationships with his friends and also with his family. Who does not like having many lovers? Hey may want time to himself when he knows his partner wants to spend time with him. He’s a brilliant guy and no matter what his sun sign is, this part of him that is Libra moon, will help bring light and clarity to any situation. Women with Libra Sun Pisces Moon Sign. They are social, sympathetic and they love a rousing debate. He Shares Everything with You. Whilst your Sun Sign describes qualities you are learning to develop and become, your Moon in Libra describes who you already are. If you’re just scratching the surface with your Libra guy, you should really learn all you can about his sign. If you’re the type of gal that likes to get out and have a good time in group settings or with people you connect with, you’ll have no trouble getting your Libra moon guy out with you. Leo Sun Libra Moon as a Friend. 8. In his perfect world, he is not only sleeping with you and running a business with you, but you actually have the same first name and appear to be twins. He’ll think things through and he’ll look at both sides of any situation or relationship. He is never going to allow that to happen. A Libran male is the ultimate bon vivant, a fairy prince who flits from scene to scene creating stirs and causing little dust-ups before inevitably disappearing in a puff of pixie powder. Perhaps he keeps finding things on his shopping trips but doesn’t come home with anything for her. Inside the closed room, it is okay for her to be all angry and dominating. It’s not that he is not that social, rather he prefers or likes simple quiet nights with his loved ones around. This sign is controlled by air, masculinity and Venus, the planet of love, sensuality and indulgence. What does a Libra Moon mean? They’ll remember that it’s best to think first then act later which for an Aries is difficult. He may not be very motivated to do anything other than have a relationship with you. They are moralistic and they care about people; their heart is full if they have managed to make someone happy, by defending their rights. About the Libra moon sign or Moon in the 7th House: Most women don’t want their guy constantly seeking attention from other women. He will buy himself things, travel, and do things for himself first and may neglect the woman who adores him. Her home is the meeting club of many of her friends. Sex with him is tender. In friendships, this is the person who can be tactful and peaceful, has a peace of mind, a sense of justice and the development of relationships with other people -all that comes from the Moon that is located in the Libra Zodiac sign. Sun in Aquarius – Moon in Libra – Unorthodox Style – The Aquarius sun Libra moon personality is a combination of cool detachment and engaging charm. You will use your peace-making qualities to make sure that fairness and justice are upheld. Many will get married young or choose to move in with someone. You are perhaps a bit gullible and easily influenced because of a tendency to be too trusting. But Libra is an air sign and when it's inhabiting the Moon, it often leads with the head rather than the heart. He knows to add wisdom to his sentence and that wins the hearts of his employers. Click here for more details on him! If your Moon is in Libra, you express your emotions through this diplomatic, affable sign’s energies, which makes you emotionally intelligent and a bit of an open book. Yet there is no way to blame this man. Libra is one of the most easy going and charming signs of the zodiac. The Moon in Libra If you are dating someone with the Moon in Libra, then it will instantly become obvious that this love match will be invested in more than sex or a casual fling. You may have a very emotional guy who is a Pisces, Cancer, or Scorpio. Now, despite his acute dependency on his primary relationship, this is an air moon, which means it is intellectually and not emotionally based. He has a lot of femininity as he enjoys shopping and looking good. Get to know your guy through and through before you decide anything of significance. It is hard for them to show their inner feelings, as they lack the quality of opening up in front of others. This will be one of those situations where his sun sign will play a huge role in which direction he goes in with this type of behavior. Your nature is sociable and you are keen to maintain harmony in your environment.The humanitarian leanings of Aquarius sun is well supported by Libra moon’s sanguine and attractive temperament. When a man with Libra moon talks he appears very innocent. But no stable parental nest or successful career is enough to make a lunar male Libran happy. Libra Moon Woman. In a way, he is quite a street smart person! No matter what sun sign your guy may have, when he has a Libra moon, he’s going to have moments where logic will prevail over emotion. He knows to add wisdom to … They are known to be the deepest and true lovers. She wants to be worshipped and adored by her partner. Everything he does, he wants to do with his partner. Libra is ruled by Venus, so Libra Moon … In spite of all this, this Libra moon man can be taken as a good lover in a relationship. Libra Moon Man. When a man with Libra moon talks he appears very innocent. And this is what he wants, of course. Your email address will not be published. The Libra Moon energies help you to take life less seriously for a short while. By nature, the Scales feel the urge to find how people measure up to expectation. Libra Moon in love is a fine wine. Yes, she must not only be attractive to his eyes, but also to others’. The Libra sun Aries moon man or woman is likely to be very sanguine in temperament with a positive outlook and strong-willed mindset. This also compels his acquaintances to regard him as a very likable character. He can laugh over small things and giggle when a woman smiles at him. A Libra Sun Virgo Moon man loves to criticise and can scrutinize every single piece of art or object with his critical mind. Make it a plural because this man is more of a flirt and does not have much idea about fidelity. A Libra man in love is a beautiful sight. She is also romantic; she can stare at her man for hours while admiring him. The Moon in Libra man knows very well how important words are in this world, and also knows how to use them, because he is sure that if he uses them wisely, he will have a lot to gain. He is definitely not the one who loves to party a lot. Perhaps the moody signs like Aries or Virgo may be softened up a little bit by the Libra moon. He is objective, fair, and can always see both sides of every argument. The two of you are opposites in many ways and you are each drawn to the qualities in your partner that you lack. Libra moon can be helpful but it can also bring a little shade. This will be a lover who very much wants to please you and will go out of his way to be fair and consider your views and needs, possibly even at his own expense. Libra Moon Sign. It is the work of his emotions which prefer to take the middle road instead of left and right. He just sounds nice. Libra moon can help. He’s great at being rather diplomatic and open minded. He will court his lady with pure chivalry. Your Libra man is going to be a very attentive lover and is always going to be looking for new ways to please you and have fun. He’s a good talker and listener, he’s very friendly, he’s tolerant and won’t go off the deep end emotionally like a water moon (you know who you are, Pisces and Scorpio!!). In order to facilitate this, they may make a lot of concessions to their partner in order to keep the peace. So really, it can go different ways with different signs. A Libra man in love truly makes you feel like on top of the world, and builds your confidence from the inside out! Hes a natural poet who loves composing lyrical odes to utopian ideals of truth, unity, and beauty. The Lunar Libra Man wants to find love and fulfillment, but can be very cynical. He is completely aware of the consequence that comes with taking things to the “sexual” level. With him, it is not possible to feel any sign of boredom at all. In his mind, his ideal partner is someone who is socially acceptable. Your moon sign and your Sun sign combined make up a more in-depth portrait of your personality. It doesn’t mean he’s going to cheat or cross a line but it may be a bit annoying for the woman who expects him to mind his p’s and q’s in a relationship. Sadly this can cause the Libra moon man to place himself as the #1 importance in his life and where that’s useful when it comes to career, it’s not very practical for the man who wants a relationship much less marriage. And its a perfect world, a castle in the air that he builds over days of lazy daydreaming and doodling, woolgathering and noodling but in the end, what does he have to show for all his beautiful ideas? It may help you figure out why he is how he is. Libra Man in Love. No wallflower with this guy. So while he may not like someone, he’ll do his best to not make it obvious. They are likely to be very popular and never short of friends and romantic interests. When it comes to a long term relationship he is selective about his mate. Share your story (or situation) with our community in the comment section below (don’t worry, it’s anonymous). Libra moon is looking for his soul mate but he’s going to have trouble until he can learn to put his partner at an equal importance to himself. Libra moon is rather intellectual and cerebral. He isn’t big on emotions typically but again, the sun sign will dictate how far down the rabbit hole of intellect really does go. Required fields are marked *. Get to know your guy through and through before you decide anything of significance. However, not just any girl can be his girlfriend. They are friendly and they love to be with people and have a good time. He is charming in love. A Libra Moon man gets his emotional security by clinging to you like glue. Have you met a super charismatic and sexy Libra moon man? What I mean by this is the two signs are not quick to anger but with Libra moon, they may resent things that are said to them or when they’re given unsolicited advice as they may see this as criticism. He is supposed to represent balance. Moon in Libra Male welcomes moderation in life. His charm is spreading even though he is something special and does not bother. Libra Man Sexually - How He Matches with Other Signs? It’s also possible that when he learns what you do for a living or what goals you have in your life, he’ll give you some possible perspectives you never would have otherwise mulled over. Our connection to others and relationships are always at the forefront during a Full Moon so this isn’t a surprise, but it is even more noticeable during the Full Moon in Libra. Libra Man Falling in Love Signs - Observe These 3 Vital Signs. Going back to the light side of the Libra moon… He is someone who loves to be around other people and be social. Moon in Libra Man in love. Capricorn Sun Libra Moon are not overly ambitious, but they have their standards and goals. And when you’ll take him to romantic movies, he will cry like a little girl. Easy-going Libra and wild Aries are in a constant battle with each other. Libra Moon does not like to be alone they thrive in a partnership. Libra doesn’t really feel complete without a love partner, and instinctively knows how to share, blend with, and harmonize with people, while Aries is more self-reliant and assertive, and often rather inconsiderate of others’ needs and desires. The Libra man is well aware of his strengths and weaknesses because of his excellent ability to judge a situation and arrive at the most diplomatic conclusion to a problem. Only for his girlfriend, it is a bad news. Capricorn Sun Libra Moon Personality. Don’t think he won’t still spend man… Sun in Libra, Moon in Libra The combination of your Sun sign and your Moon sign produces a highly romantic personality and a somewhat mystic faith in other people. Why is that so? If you’re a woman dating a man with Libra moon sign, you’ll find this aspect of him comforting and helpful when you’re dealing with some difficulties in your life. The answer lies within Libra. In other words, if a man with this personality wants to have a happy life, he must be prepared for it to be a struggle from one day to the next. Your Libra … Men with Moon in Libra show gratitude to others. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Sometimes not enough. Contributing to their indecisive nature, it becomes hard for a Libra man to make up their mind about the person they are seeing.

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