When they needed to move troops across sea or fight wars on water, the king or queen “collected a navy from port towns that owed [them] ships as part of their feudal service and from merchants who leased [them] their trade vessels” (Wagner 205). Elizabeth’s London. ”(Wagner 306-307) Since the roads outside London were so bad, coaches were mainly used in London for short distances because the ride was so rough (Wagner 306-307). This ship made one of the most famous historic voyages of that time possible. Besides transport, ships were used to attack and plunder the treasure ships of enemy nations. In medieval and Elizabethan England, there were few ships that the king or queen actually owned. In Elizabethan England, travel was very basic, just feet, hooves, and wheels on cobblestone streets (Singman 86). Thus it is evident from the above facts as to why the golden age in English history is also known as the golden age of pirates. As for diseases, every man was at risk. People also traveled by … In fact, the horse-drawn vehicles were one of the crucial sources of commuting. The last and arguably the most important part of travel in the Elizabethan era were streets. A person aboard a ship was always at risk of a pirate attack, a Spanish attack, and disease. The north bank of the Thames between the City and Westminster was adorned by magnificent mansions, with gardens running down to the river, and where private landing stages gave quick access by boat to the law courts and commercial centre of the City, and upriver to the royal … If one saw the average English family traveling by horse, the man would ride on a horse; and the women and children would ride on baby horses (Dodd 142). Gender roles during the Elizabethan era limited the roles of women. While Elizabethan England is not thought of as an age of technological innovation, some progress did occur. More Info On- Elizabethan Times Famous Explorers, Elizabethan PPirate Ships, Pirate Costumes. In Elizabethan England, travel was very basic, just feet, hooves, and wheels on cobblestone streets (Singman 86). Want to get a price estimate for your Essay? Here you will also find the best quotations, synonyms and word definitions to make your research paper well-formatted and your essay highly evaluated. At Paperap.com you will find a wide variety of top-notch essay and term paper samples on any possible topics absolutely for free. Sorry, but downloading is forbidden on this website. Understanding Shakespeare’s England. 132). Question: Were there any strict rules about clothing in Elizabethan England? 132). Let Professionals Help You, Leave your email and we will send you an example after 24 hours 23:59:59, Let us edit for you at only $13.9/page to make it 100% original. Liza Picard takes a look at common 16th-century pastimes. The most important components of transportation in Elizabethan England were land travel, sea travel, and streets. Rats were very common on ships even if the ship was kept as clean as it could get. Each parish was elected as a volunteer surveyor for a one year term. Even though land transportation was very basic, just feet, hooves, and wheels, it was important to the Elizabethan lifestyle (Singman 86). Many streets were dangerous to travel on because of the highwaymen and footpads that were on the roads ready to attack (Dodd 140-145). ’”(Williams 2-3) Roads were noisome and tedious to travel on and were often just a foul and noyful slough (Williams 2-3). Flagship Ark Royall 1588 (Effingham) was one of the largest ship of the queen’s fleet at that time. words(double Besides the names of the known ships, there were different styles and types of pirate ships. Ships, one of the oldest means of transport, were quite in use in Elizabethan era as well. For example the only means of transportation was by horse carriage and the only means of communication was by letters and messengers and even this rudimentary transportation and communication was not affordable by some of the peasants and farmers. Swift sure, Pinnacle Disdain, Victory Flagships of Hawkyns, Elizabeth Jonas, Golden Lion, Bonaventure (Cumberland), Pelican (Golden Hind), The Falcon, The Dainty, The Gabriel, The Revenge, and, Repulse were some of the famous ships of that time. This was not a very good means of transportation because the coaches had no springs and made an extremely rough ride with cobblestone streets and unpaved roads (Singman 89). In 1543, the government wanted the streets to become better; therefore, they forced homeowners to pay for the pavement of the streets on which they lived (Picard 30-31). In fact, many towns were put on navigable rivers to make travel easier (Singman 85). The poor got around mostly on foot, but the rich where pulled in carriages by noble steeds. Let me inform you Facts about Life in Elizabethan England. In a ship, there were cabins for senior officers, and normal sailors had to sleep in tight and bad conditions. The most important components of transportation in Elizabethan England were land travel, sea travel, and streets.

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