Whether it’s a breakup, divorce or death, losing someone you love may be the most painful thing you ever experienced. However, I didn’t feel any peace so I broke up with him. Only difference is he popped up after a few months and wanted to work things out but because I needed clarity I said. why do i crave him? May the Grace, Peace and Protection of the holy spirit dwell in our lives. But when God sees something that isn’t right he is going to change it. I noticed other boys (this went on a lot in the three years). I prayed for my heart to be healed buttttt God keep telling me he will resurrect this relationship. Christ first restored us back to Him through the cost of the cross. Sometimes you are your own worst enemy after a breakup – such as when you allow negative thoughts to control your mood and mind. Thank you so much for this writeup….My hubby has neither called nor text me for close to 2months now…We had just a little arguement and since then He has refused to reply my messages, he blocked me from his whatsapp…My marriage completed a year in january…it was during our wedding anniversary we had the arguement…My hubby is very hot tempered, he gets angry at the slight little things…Could you believe that the arguement we had was concerning my going to church…he doesnt go to church and he doesnt want me to go either…He said so many lies about me to his family in order for them to hate me…His mum and sisters are all supporting him, i never did any thing wrong to them yet they supported him…All his sisters blocked me from their whatsapp after he lied to them…Am really going through alot here…Have prayed to God to restore my marriage yet am nt seeing result, My mum told me that if it is the will of God let God’s will be done..She advised me to try and forget about everything because she saw that i wasnt always happy…Am really going through alot here…Am 27 yrs old and my hubby is 41yrs old…He doesnt even care about his future, he was always threatening me with divorce whenever we had a little quarrel…I live in Nigeria and he is living in europe..Am sure he must have moved on with another Lady…Am always praying to God to heal my heart. I physically heaved when I figured this out. Start asking him for healing and guidance! He’s filing for a separation and I can’t understand why he’s just giving up. Grief the pain and allow the hurt to move through you. I came home on March 22,2019 and walked into my home and discovered that my husband had left. A year has passed and she still can’t let him go. Wow! A She Blossoms reader inspired me to offer these tips for broken relationships with God and others. Last year when we started dating, I didn’t appreciate her enough cause I was going through depression and I kept pushing her away and she still stayed, within that period of depression I verbally cheated on her and regret it with all my heart. I feel useless. But I realize I have so many wounds from my past to unpack. I pray for reconciliation and healing but nothing comes. You have to go through it . No calls, no text not even an email. who would want to be open an vulnerable with someone who doesn’t allow them to feel their emotions? You’d welcome whatever God allows into your life – no matter how it looks, feels or seems. I believe, she was manipulated into being with this woman and even marrying her. Trust me, I’m going through a very difficult and tormenting time after a break up, a short lived relationship it was but for me a deeply emotionally attached one that was due to lead to marriage, no explanation, no closure, guy just dumped me like that! You’ve given this woman a lot of power over you. You also need to completely detach from this guy which is the hardest. Heal my soul and comfort me while I wait. I thought you wanted me to be happy, but now I see You hate me.”. But ask God to continuously support and comfort you didn’t care that i wanted to move in with him and have a life together. Also for his salvation. We both are in our past 60’s, not getting any younger, and yearn to be together for as long as God gives us life. why do i still want him, and believe we’re supposed to be together? My husband and I have been together for 4 years, married 2 years. HIs first wife from another state reached out on facebook to say I understand and I am praying for you and I hate this has happened . I doubt I will ever see myself differently now. Maybe that’s why you’re writing about your own experience with someone who ended a relationship with you. The next minute she doesn’t even care and it’s all for nothing. Beliefnet is a lifestyle website providing feature editorial content around the topics of inspiration, spirituality, health, wellness, love and family, news and entertainment. I am always the one at fault, always to blame, never doing it right, stupid, fat, lazy, moron, and a slew of countless other heartbreaking words. so we decided to go to couples therapy around the end of summer of last year. Ladies, we need to support and love each other and encourage each other. My life has changed and not for the good. Over time he has revealed himself to be abusive, hypercritical, destructive, narcissistic, and an overall nightmare of a person behind closed doors. I never realized I love him to this capacity! Thank you Lord for your promise. Last July he dropped me off at my Aunt’s house to take care of her for the night and never came back. Feelings of guilt, distraction, and disorientation are normal for most women, but can be overwhelming. It’s like something snapped one day and she was done. Only then will you know who you are, and be able to have something offer to others. because in his eyes he could do no wrong – he didn’t make me feel attacked or belittled, i chose to feel that way. Thanks for your suggestions. And the past cannot be undone. Make sure you’re around spiritually healthy friends and family, and that youre activities are uplifting and God-honoring. How do I heal, when my family has gone against me and left me? I can’t say what to do because I don’t even know I’m still figuring this out myself, but I totally understand how you feel and where you’re coming from. If I am the problem, then I am the problem. Also, sometimes God does restore relationships; not necessarily as it was, but in other forms. I know this is gods plan I just need to go through with it. I spent a couple moments praying that He would heal you, and open your heart toward trusting Him 100%, and forgiving those who have wronged you, especially this person who has hurt you so much at a deep level. If God doesn’t give up on me, why should I give up on us? I feel unlovable. Any advice out there? i’m really disappointed in myself that it took this for me to figure everything out, but at least i did. The move was hard on me and five weeks after I moved he changed to being cruel and made me feel like I had no where to go. Do it yesterday. I know I cannot say anything to her or else it will be met with harsh response. He spoke of marriage for our end game and treated me and my son so well then within 2 weeks after dating for 5 months he started to change and become distant. I can’t get over the breakup.”, “God, I blame You for the breakup, divorce, or death. I’m glad God knew all this was going to happen before I was created so he knows how I’m going to react. Sympathize with their feelings. Walk away and never look back. Learned this the hard way. Jan & Feb have been the most toughest for us cause she was hurt, emotionally numb for the relationship and having lack of interest towards the relationship but she kept on pushing and trying to fight the negative emotions until she gave up now. he didn’t love me at my worst – my worst side frustrated him. All the times I’d prayed for second chances but never got them, for reconciliation not received. Ughh I didn’t even know he had a girlfriend I don’t know how long they’ve been together and I don’t know who she is all I know is I he had a baby and now hes moving to a different state I am devastated because to be honest out of those 5 years I did wait I prayed and hoped that the Lord would bring him back to me I can’t get these thoughts of his new life out of my head so you’re not alone I pray for you I pray for peace of mind because I know what u feeling too Sorry I just want to share my story. i changed through therapy, i changed for the relationship, he didn’t. Do you know the difference between infatuation and love? For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.-Philippians 4:13 Do you struggle with trust in your relationship? Put simply, it’s a series of actions you do every morning to build habits through consistency. It can also bring you closer and deepen your relationship with both God and yourself…but only if you draw closer and truly trust that God really does have your best interests at heart. Scripture says God will answer us if what we ask for in all sincerity is in His will and will bring glory to His name. Allow the silence to be your beacon, the light on your path. Something to think about. Everything hurt. That when I am grieving, you are sharing in my tears as well. And to come and sit with my dad Also known as a morning routine. I’ve not bothered him and I am coping okay without him but it’s only been 40 days or so but I’m afraid I’m going to step back into a cycle of trying again with him when we eventually cross paths again. God doesn’t want you going back to your ex for one huge reason: He has someone better for you! we are all going through heart ache sometime or another in our life’s and no one has the right to say what they have the right to what hurts them or how to even handle the situation if you never walked in their shoes. After a fresh breakup, you are still a habit to your ex. Our relationship progressed pretty quickly (he proposed 6 months into our relationship). We’re gonna attend counseling and she swears one minute that this relationship is going to be just fine after we get some help. I’m willing to listen to a critique. Life doesn’t care about my “feelings.” Life goes on. You start considering past toxic relationships so you don't have to be alone. From abut 1 month into the relationship I kept hearing God saying put this relationship down, you will have to pick it up again. I know the process as I’ve been here before, but it doesn’t stop the pain going away. I didn’t have anything to do with him. I was wondering if you had any wisdom on knowing when it’s a good time to try again with your ex. I don’t know who the “she” is that you’re talking about, but your experience reminds me SO MUCH of me and my sister! Is it okay to keep chatting for comfort if she accepts chats? why am i so broken? How do you cope when God doesn’t restore a broken relationship? In 2018, I decided to go back to Church. He can't give that to you when you go back to a poisonous relationship. I believe he hurt me intentionally and he never loved me. You are an emotional vampire. One of the greatest things you can do to restore a broken relationship is to humble yourself and admit where you were wrong. Its It’s been difficult, seeing her have everything I was supposed to have, including our beloved beagle, which technically is his dog. Many people slip back into toxic relationships because they don’t know how to be alone. Once I began to finally put God first in my relationship, I began to also lose that relationship. I know now that I have never been a main priority to him nor will I ever be. Your heart will heal, and you will start to feel better again. To not point that out is to act as though you set God’s schedule and just because he hasn’t done something yet, he won’t again. 5 Ways to Survive the Healing Process, How to Stop Loving Someone Who Doesn’t Deserve Your Love, When You Find Out About Your Husband’s Affair After His Death. I gave my sister a lot of power over me. I am shattered in pieces and am grieving of this breakup. Ever since then, I think about him. He’s not wrong. Right. we were unstoppable and thought we were each other’s soulmates; this lasted until around august 2018. i had always known he was a selfish person. And, by the way, the first woman still wants her back and is doing everything she can to go after her! As incomprehensible as it sounds. 7 Easy Ways to Stop Negative Thinking After a Breakup, How to Find Meaning in the Death of a Loved One, How to Emotionally Detach From Someone You Care About, stop hurting and recover from this breakup, How to Find God and Heal Your Broken Heart. whitneyhasGod 10/4/2013 Relationships 92 Comments. It makes me sad because I still love him and I have to end it. 14 years later his still in my dreams,( at least 3 times a week). God restored my relationship with my ex girlfriend << /Length 5 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode > God restored my relationship with my ex girlfriend i just wanted to be with him, see him more. After about 5 months into the relationship. I’m shattered because my boyfriend left for the reason that he is not ready for the bigger picture. God will create a one soulmate for you ,they may be your existing girlfriend or ex or someone who will come in your future,if you love other girl than your soulmate god won't return your love , just have a hope on your love and pray god ,but one thing is clear sometimes true love also fails,you should have patience in your life ,leave the life and agree how it runs everything will be alright ,what's happening in your life is … God sees you as someone that is worthy of true love, respect, honesty, and happiness. I get it. But, learning how to accept that it’s really over will give you a new sense of freedom and peace in your life. Work was going badly for a long time and he was also a volatile character which was sometimes very difficult. We have been breaking up just for a few days and the make up but today she decided to call it quits. I’m definitely not. Shake that enemy off and tell him not today. Don’t feel bad. Being so vulnerable and letting someone know to use have this condition . I loved him with all of me. Was off sick from work, for months due to it, struggling with episodes of intense nausea, vomiting, anxiety and low moods, despite everyone telling me he wasnt worth it, he had bad character trait to dump me and I should forget him swiftly as he doesn’t deserve me, I deserve better, despite it all being true the characterless soul still resides in my heart! There is a void in the human heart, designed by God Almighty, which only Christ can fill. I don’t think my breakup was ordinary, there are forces that the devil is using to separate me from my boyfriend. How do I move on? It really is a small world. Instead of focusing on blame, regret, confusion, guilt or shame, learn how to bring your thoughts back to a life-giving, honest conversation with God. I’m 43. The mornings are particularly hard, we were only together for 5 months, but we were bonding. Hey I’m in the same situation! I accepted him for who he was along with the good, the bad and the ugly. Scripture says that God will not answer nor bless us if we are unable to forgive someone on this earth. Putting your worth in relationships is an idol, and God is protecting you. Thank you, I am trying my best. God knows. Pray and develop a strong relationship with God. My way of dealing with his outbursts was with tears and that upset him even more. everything was going away, but i loved him too much to see that. For a decade. Why was he ok with sleeping with you if he loves you? and it freaked me out because i was so in love with him, so i believed him. You might try walking, hiking, swimming, dressing in bright clothes, treating yourself to a massage or a special meal. That you place your trust not in the acceptance of other individuals, your relatives who have at times said (perhaps) mean things to you about ‘moving on’, but to trust that GOD will heal you, that He is with you always, that you can place your trust and your heart in Him. Thank you and God Bless, im sad my boyfriend left me for no reason ..but im love him so much all my heart ..im try to make him happy but he always angry with me and don’t want to talk with me..im try to pray for god to return him back to my life and love me again and pray for god to make my relationship was good again …but why god not answer my pray. Well, lets just say I let my guard down and some of my boundaries and we recently split up. I have never been married or had kids, so I did not know how to deal with it. I threatened to break up with him numerous times. Jesus heals, the Holy Spirit restores relationships, and the Lord hates divorce and broken relationships. This is the 4th time this has happened over our 13 years of marriage. I know my heart is different because despite how I feel right now if he wanted to talk I’d talk and without anger! I was still mean as ever and I couldn’t stop it. Lord Jesus Christ, thank you that you made all things, and in you all things … Your faith would strengthen and sustain you. Maybe you didn't try hard enough in an old relationship and made mistakes, or maybe you let someone go you still care about. Are you worried that you have been single for too long? How do I move on? The most touching thing is I thought he was my soulmate with whom I would build a loving, peaceful home, he seemed so keen, so in “love” but I learnt now that it was just words… sweet nothings and the true love, commitment and sincerity was mine alone. It’s even worse when you believe God blessed a marriage and hates divorce. I got angry and insulted her. every conflict where i was being attacked was pushing me away. I hear you. But when God sees something that isn’t right he is going to change it. it was my fault. It’s not enough to be a born again Christian. I hope you hear from God soon. i never stopped trying, but i started questioning. Also go to the site ultimate husband and read Dr gottmans book on marriage and the other book mans guide to women. I trust in you Lord. he NEVER took the time to understand this, no matter how many times i tried to explain it. It was amazing. He could never just talk it out. There is a plan for your life already, and that path leads you to the “one” handpicked directly from God. How can you allow yourself for restoration? I have prayed and prayed but yet I feel as if God had forgotten me. The number of those standing worldwide is astronomical. Help Michael to deal with watching his friend becoming unhealthy. My sister gets engaged before me and this guy created a ridiculous argument which led to him walking out on me.

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