An integrated digital SWR bridge allows auto-tuning based on an SWR scan. Alpha Antenna - Civilianized and Militarized HF antenna systems for Portable, Base, Mobile, Manpack. W6LVP amplified receive-only magnetic loop antenna (boy is that mouthful): The W6LVP mag loop is a complete receive antenna system delivering top-of-the-line performance to amateur radio operators and SWLs. A great review of a ham Radio aerial that I have used many times. We’re very exited with the results. Thank for sharing John G4YDM. SCHEMATIC. 5 thoughts on “ A review of the W4OP portable magnetic loop antenna ” John April 6, 2020 at 4:20 pm. QST reviews HG3 Stepper Mag Loop! The secondary is the main loop, and is the actual antenna. There are two different types of loop antennas, one is the ferrite bar (as in your am radio), the other is wound on an air core form. A new antenna was in order if we wanted to continue to enjoy 6 meters, which has many different propagation opportunities. In its price category MLA-T extends commercial magnetic loop antennas range designed to two top HAM bands. Now advertising in QST. Magnetic Loop Antenna Pattern . Each start of motor is slowed down by 3 times for 3 seconds which allow to fast and precise fine tuning of antenna. Magnetic loop antennas typically have a small negative gain when compared to a dipole. L’alimentation de cet ensemble se fait tout simplement via le câble coaxial. Un socle intègre le CV à air surdimensionné avec sa motorisation (l’antenne supporte 700 W sur le 20 m) et l’unité de contrôle (l’accord automatique se fait en moins de 3 secondes). It can be deployed quickly and is ideal for use in places where HOA restrictions make full size wire antennas impossible, or where there is not enough room to erect a conventional antenna. It couples to the magnetic field of the radio wave in the region near the antenna, in contrast to monopole and dipole antennas which couple to the electric field of the wave. PreciseRF is a Stenbock Enterprise, LLC company. It is a closed loop system and allows auto tuning with most HF radios. that I have yet to find another experimental indoor antenna that can beat it, including magnetic loops, crossed field loops and EH antennas. Very nice review. Le délai d’expédition est actuellement de 3 semaines (attention au coût du transport, le poids de cet ensemble avec sa caisse bois, hors l’option WC, est de 57 kilos). Principles of the Loop Antenna. The parts are readily available and with a little planning and shop time you can have a Magnetic Loop antenna to play with. 5. However, they are both expensive and difficult to connect to a transceiver lacking a separate receive-antenna input. Gone is the USB version key requirement. Kaeferlein AMA magnetic loop antennas - Since 1983 the AMA antennas is specialized in magnetic loop antennas, AMA antennas. Black Friday Sale! it gave it high marks for effectiveness, easy of use and precise repeatable operation. The new PreciseLOOP HG-1 is a high gain Magnetic Loop Antenna (MLA). The HG3 QRO MLA. • Our regular antennas work by "recieving" the electric field portion of the radio wave. Celui-ci propose depuis quelques jours une nouvelle antenne assez révolutionnaire. Page Transparency See More. This antenna is … ABOUT THE PRODUCT. Bands switching is not designed to remote control so MLA-T is not ideal solution for static base antennas. * With optional second radiator, specifications subject to change without notice. Météorologie spatiale par Dr Tamitha Skov WX6SWW du 14/02/2021. PreciseRF is a Stenbock Enterprises, LLC company. Magnetic loop receive antennas are a great weapon in the fight against natural and man-made noise. We believe we’ve raised the bar of MLA performance. Here’s one made from 1 inch copper tubing. Nombreux sont ceux qui connaissent déjà les antennes de ce fabricant Allemand. Magnetic loop antenna MLA-T (Magnetic Loop Antenna Top Bands) is operation with power up to 100W and designed mainly for portable use on 160m, 80m and 40m bands. The loop, mounted horizontally, does not require a rotator and provides an omnidirectional pattern. This dipole antenna is a full half wavelength which provides the maximum aperture at this frequency. All PreciseRF products are proudly Made in USA. After thorough research and design phases, we have now completed development and are in production. Honey, I Shrunk the Antenna QST July 1993, pp. 805 people follow this . Elle se compose d’une pompe électrique (avec déclenchement automatique sur détection d’un signal HF) assurant une circulation de fluide à l’intérieur des tubes. 32-34 Effective, low-profile 160-meter antennas present a formidable challenge. Many combinations of coax, ladder line, and baluns are feasible. Loops of any size between 10% and 100% of a wavelength in circumference can be built and tuned to resonance with series reactance. Radioamateurs France se décharge de toutes responsabilités. Offer expires April 15, 2019. ARRL Reviewed the HG3 Mag Loop Antenna in the Jan 2021 issue of QST. Sound vibrations at a certain frequency Controller for 3 Magnetic Loop Antennas With Endstop Switch: This project is for those ham amateurs who don't have a commercial one . It’s a great aerial for small dwellings and out-door use, easily assembled on scene. HG3 Stepper Mag Loop Available; New Magnetic Loop Antennas to be Introduced at 2019 SeaPac; Black Friday Sale! Un boitier adaptateur coté transceiver est fourni, il s’alimente en 12 V (prévoir 1,3 A sans l’option WC ou 3,5 A avec). A Small Loop Antenna for 160 Meters QST June 1993, pp. This interesting feature makes the ground plane losses very low and generally this antenna has little dimensions. In spite of its high Q and sharp tuning characteristics, this type of antenna can perform quite well indoors. Probably the easiest is to use is a loop of insulated wire 1/5 the circumference of the main loop. A small current is transduced on the antenna and the reciever amplifies it and converts it to audio. Home-Made Magnetic Loop Antenna for 30 Meters A "magnetic loop" antenna, so named because it responds primarily to the magnetic rather than electrical component of a radio wave, is a very small (relative to wavelength) single-turn loop tuned to resonance with a series capacitor. Because of the much greater resolution, we are able to scan each band for the lowest SWR and achieve an impedance solutioning typically in less than ten seconds. See the entire review here: QST HG3 review. Technical Information. A small transmitting loop antenna, also known as a magnetic loop, with a circumference 10% of a wavelength or less, will have a relatively constant current distribution along the conductor, and the main lobe will be in the plane of the loop. Antenna manufacturer based in MO USA. Based in Germany. All Rights Reserved. Electronics. zA magnetic loopbehaves electrically as a coil (inductor) with a small but non-negligible radiation resistance due to its finite size. Technical Information. They require a radio to loop tuner interface and often suffer from calibration drift. W6LVP loops cover 2200 through 10 meters (135 kHz through 30 MHz) with no tuning or adjustment. The Express Magnetic Loop Antenna (MLA) is a convenient, lightweight antenna, which can be deployed quickly and is ideal for use in places where HOA restrictions make full size wire antennas impossible, or where there just is not enough room to erect a conventional antenna. These are high-Q, tuned HF antennas that perform rather well for their size, and I have built a … Pushing the limits of design and manufacturing with cutting edge technology, Chameleon Antenna are known to design, manufacture and distribute products worldwide that are versatile, dependable and built to last! Forgot account? The HG3 delivers unprecedented capability, performance and convenience. The magnetic loop antenna is indeed a fascinating antenna. We call this RapidTune tm. Else known as Small Transmitting Loop or STL, this isn't a traditional "electric" antenna, because the "near field" is almost "magnetic". The MagLoop brand of Magnetic Loops was founded by Bob VE3UK in 2005. This group is created to help members gain and disseminate information regarding Magnetic Loop Antennas both commercial and home made. Magnetic loop antenna projects category is a curation of 148 web resources on , Indoor QRP HF Loop Antenna, CT1ETT Magnetic loop antenna, Magnetic Loop for the 2m band. At $345 and including transmit/receive switch, the W6LVP loop addresses both of these issues. Typical impedances for a full wave horizontal loop are about 102 Ohms, at the fundamental frequency. STLs have a radiation pattern with directivity. When designed and constructed properly, an MLA can perform as well or even better than a dipole antenna. Le stockage de l’eau (au minimum 10 litres) doit être assuré par un seau ou tout autre récipient (non fourni par le fabricant). The pickup pattern is shaped like a figure eight. Chameleon Antenna has been a pioneer at rethinking and redesigning portable antenna systems since almost a decade! il s’agit d’une quadruple loop magnétique fonctionnant entre le 10 m et le 160 m. On savait déjà que ce type d’antenne ne nécessitait pas d’être installée à une grande hauteur, mais là, le fabricant indique même qu’il faut impérativement la laisser posée au sol. Remote tunning of manually switched band is done by DC motor with integrated transmission 1:600 and pulse speed control. The PreciseLOOP is compared to a commercial portable dipole antenna. We will keep you posted as to specials, pricing and availability. The idea for the Wonder Loop first came to me after I had tested small portable whip antennas such as the ATX Walkabout, Miracle Whip and Wonder Wand. My experience with the MFJ magnetic loopled me to be very impressed with this type of antenna, and I wondered whether a better type of "miracle" antenna could be made using the magnetic loop principle. The Wellbrook Model ALA1530LN-2 and DX Engineering (Pixel/Inlogis) Model RF PRO-1B magnetic loops are both good amplified receive antennas. But the small size may certanly give a frequency range of 20 to 30 MHz. Order the HG3 Stepper Mag Loop here. By adding the optional second radiator loop (two turns), 80 meter coverage, at full power, is also provided. Below 10 MHz, our apartment building generates a large amount of "electro-smog" QRM. The HG3  delivers unprecedented capability, performance and convenience. Suggested: $21.99 You Pay: $18.99. il s’agit d’une quadruple loop magnétique fonctionnant entre le 10 m et le 160 m. On savait déjà que ce type d’antenne ne nécessitait pas d’être installée à une grande hauteur, mais là, le fabricant indique même qu’il faut impérativement la laisser posée au sol. More Info. In addition to the higher power (1,500W PEP), we added some really useful new features. The four-line LCD shows the band selected, SWR, ERP, Cap value and more. • Radio waves travel by a wave of electric and magnetic fields at 90 degrees to each other.

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