After purification, commercial soaps get other ingredients such as sand (to produce a soup that can scour), or compounds that add fragrance or color. Making Soap - Saponification Experimental Observations You may make observations after the soap has dried; it will be returned in lab section or lecture. Soap is made by heating animal fats or vegetable oil with concentrated sodium hydroxide (NAOH). Lab Checklist • 10 g of Sodium Hydroxide • 60 g of chosen oil: Soybean, Canola, Coconut, Vegetable oil, etc. Wash your hands with your soap. Soap making relies on an ester and a strong base to perform a saponification reaction. After the soap mixture is poured into a mold the rest of the saponification takes place and can take from 5 – 6 weeks. Triglycerides are typically triesters consisting of 3 long-chain aliphatic carboxylic acid chains appended to a single glycerol molecule (see Equation 1). (Most oils can be used). The characteristics of this soap depend on the quality of oil, and the amounts of the caustic soda and water used to make it. First, the fat had to be rendered (melted and filtered). Considerations 1st Consideration: History of Soaps and Oils, and Preparations for Soap Making The chemistry of fire and ash—from traditional methods and understanding of the lye process to modern methods Extraction of oils and their uses from days past to now Soap—completion of the circle, combining the mineral element of plants with the rarefied essence, or acid and base chemistry A number of things affect the soap-making process and the quality of this soap produced. The ancient Roman tradition called for mixing rain water, potash and animal tallow (rendered form of beef or mutton fat). Once the soap has cured it can be tested for proper ph levels using a test strip. Then, potash solution was added. Does it lather like regular soap? In this experiment you will make soap … to produce soap. The hydrocarbon end is nonpolar and is soluble in nonpolar substances 1. The Chemistry of Soap Soap making involves the hydrolysis of a triglyceride (fat or oil) using an alkaline solution usually lye, chemical name sodium hydroxide. Does it clean your hands as well as regular soap? You are looking for a ph level of 8 – 10.5. 3. Making soap was a long and arduous process. Soap Making Purpose: The purpose of this lab is to explore the synthesis of soap and determine some of its properties. Does it smell like any soap that you have used? It's also pretty dangerous. The initial saponification process takes anywhere from 20 – 90 minutes. Explain. The carboxylic acid group consists of a carbon This is an ionic species consisting of a long, linear, non-polar ’tail’ with a cationic or anionic ’head’ and a counter ion. Soap making has remained unchanged over the centuries. Therefore if you aren't 100% certain your pot isn't aluminum, then buy one that you know is most definitely not. The fatty acid consists of a long carbon chain terminated with a carboxylic acid group. The tail is water insoluble and the head is water soluble - a difference in We will create a small bar of soap with the lab procedure discussed later. A soap is a salt of a compound known as a fatty acid. Background: A triglyceride consists of three fatty carboxylic acids bonded to glycerol. And it's not the chemistry we want for soapmaking. The Chemistry of Soap and Detergent Function All soaps and detergents contain a surfactant1 as their active ingredient. use aluminum ANYTHING to make soap as this does some pretty crazy chemistry of its own when it reacts with lye. of re-dissolving the soap in boiling water and then cooling and precipitating it once again by adding sodium chloride. 2. SAPONIFICATION The process of making soap by the hydrolysis of fats and oils with alkalies is called saponification. Fat or Oil + NaOH → Soap + Glycerol Alkali is maintained in sufficient excess, more of it being added if necessary. A soap molecule consists of a long hydrocarbon chain (composed of carbons and hydrogens) with a carboxylic acid group on one end which is ionic bonded to a metal ion, usually a sodium or potassium. commonest fatty acid used in soap making contains a range of C 10 -C 20 and most often have an even number of carbon atoms including the carboxyl group carbon.

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