Calcium nitrate rinses are typical, but other formulas may be used. My question is after I've done that and everything is good to go my plant is in its new medium. (BaCl test) Moisture Content when packed 18%; Water requirement for saturation per kilo 5 Litres. It is then pre-treated with a calcium fertiliser such as calcium nitrate to enhance the potassium-calcium exchange. The drying and compressing of the fibers creates dust, and it is a lot of work to decompress coco coir. Why You Need to Buffer Coco Coir There are cation exchange sites in coco that will interfere with nutrition until they are buffered. This gives a mix that has the unwanted salts (Na, Cl, K, Bo) removed, which if left in the substrate can be detrimental to young cannabis plants. So this is my first time growing in Coco coir, that being said I've done the research and it's advised to rinse the coir good! If the EC of a coco coir medium is over 0.5 mS/cm, buffering may be necessary in order to displace the sodium ions bound to the particles. This article explores why these deficiencies … Once the process of washing with water is completed then the coir is rinsed well with a solution of calcium nitrate … Nature's Coco Coir is a premier growing medium and is an excellent alternative to sphagnum peat moss. The electrical conductivity, potassium and phosphorus concentrations in coconut coir increased 2.3, 4 and 17 times, respectively compared with those in the nutrient culture solution, while the calcium concentration decreased by one-fifth in the coconut coir medium. I just rehydrate with 1/4 strength nutrient solution. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. [Quote] “Potassium and phosphorus concentrations in coconut coir were two and eight times higher than those in rockwool. Properties of coco coir during cultivation If calcium nitrate is used to buffer the coir, magnesium has to be provided as well.” The plants seem to be feeding though based on your numbers, they're probably hungry for Nitrogen since Calcium is an important mineral for N uptake. how to make coco peat commercially. Coco must be buffered with calcium (Ca) and Magnesium (Mg) before it becomes a superior growing media. Very low level of EC is attained by repeated washing with fresh water. I use the 5kg brick of Botanicare coco as it's easy to store before needed. water mixed with Coco-Wash) per 1 Cubic Meter (or +/- 15 x 5kg blocks) of coco-peat/coir – alternatively – 1,000 litres of water mixed with 13 kgs of Coco-Wash will buffer 5 Cubic Meters of coco-peat/coir. I've been growing in coco for years and very rarely do I have to use a calmag supplement. This extensive washing with clean water removes the water soluble particles. Just noticed with what is available to me. According to Projar Product Manager, Paco López  and expert in Hortofruticultura from Valencia (Spain): We are offering crush chips extra washed, it means E.C ≤ 1.5 mS/cm (Sonnelved method 1.1.5 v/v). Growstones by volume consist of 0.5 to 5% calcium carbonate – for a standard 5.1 kg bag of Growstones that corresponds to 25.8 to 258 grams of calcium carbonate. The cation exchange sites in coco naturally come loaded with sodium (Na) and potassium (K) cations. by | Dec 28, 2020 | Uncategorized | 0 comments | Dec 28, 2020 | Uncategorized | 0 comments I'll have a read through that article (thanks for posting the link) when I get time to read/digest it; my schedule is kind of screwed up right now, lol. I like a simple reusable inert medium such as hydroton, my grows are easier now with the quality and yield being better. Finally, after the resting period is over, once again wash or rinse off the Coco coir with clean water. I need to hydrate, rinse, and "pre-charge" some coco coir. Manufacturers of soilless substrates are getting better about producing buffered coco coir, with EC’s as low as .5. On a non-organic crop, using water soluble fertilizers we recommend this solution to buffer coco while expanding it: Mix 1 Kg Calcium Nitrate (CaNO3) + 0,3 Kg Magnesium Sulphate (MgSO4) or Magnesium Nitrate (MgNO3) per 1000 Liters irrigation water. Buffering is a time-consuming process and it starts with proper flushing and rinsing of the coir with clean water. The recommended buffering ratio is 200 litres of treated water (i.e. Yes you can use calcium nitrate and magnesium sulfate. Calcium nitrate rinses are typical, but other formulas may be used. Coco has a lot of K and therefore needs more Ca at certain times and can get depleted of it pretty quick, and once it loses the buffer the media ph will start to drop. (OFVGA). The absorbed calcium displaces the residual potassium and sodium in the complex, which are washed away leaving a very clean coco coir your plants will love! The next step is to mix Calcium Nitrate at a ratio of 7 Kilos per 1,000 litres of water. During the buffering process, Char Coir’s coco cation exchange complex is saturated with a solution of calcium nitrate for an extended period. Hopefully all of that made sense. Get some hydroton for hydro or go full organic soil, everything else is a waste of time. Coco Coir Producer Explains “buffering” and how and why it is needed ? If the EC of a coco coir medium is over 0.5 mS/cm, buffering may be necessary in order to displace the sodium ions bound to the particles. water mixed with Calcium Nitrate) per 1 Cubic Meter (or +/- 15 x 5kg blocks) of coco peat – alternatively: 1,000 litres of water mixed with 7 kg of Calcium Nitrate will buffer 5 Cubic Meters of coco peat. In today’s industry, competitive growers understand that using soil processing equipment has growing benefits like cost/labor savings, custom blending, better product. Buffering is a time-consuming process and it starts with proper flushing and rinsing of the coir with clean water. Due to the strength of some of the bonds made between the ions and the media, washing can’t eliminate all of the salt in the coir, but buffering can. But I use a three part dry product and one part is calcium nitrate. Fully buffered Using Calcium Nitrate & Gypsum; pH 6.7 ( Average +/- 2) EC <500 mS tested at 1: 1.5 Volume Extraction Method. to remove natural K+ and Na+ ions present in coir fiber. Some people like to make things harder on themselves and coco is for them. Poole said some growers are asking suppliers to buffer their coir with calcium nitrate. This site is designed and maintained by Captivate Creative, Canada out $29 billion a year in uncollected federal taxes: Report. The remainder is soda-lime glass. “These growers are thinking that the cation exchange sites are loaded with potassium and sodium ions and if the coir isn’t buffered with calcium nitrate then their crops may suffer a calcium or magnesium deficiency,” he said. Can I use calcium nitrate and Epsom salts to buffer Coco coir or do I specifically have to use cal-mag? But I have to rinse this type but if I get the bagged Botanicare I do not need to rinse. We recommend to buffer coco when we are working on 100% coco coir, but you are working on a mix of compost, peat moss and perlite; compost and peat moss will minimize the possible toxic effect of Na excess, The absorbed calcium displaces the residual potassium and sodium in the complex, which is washed away. I've never used calmag. Regardless of hydroponic demand, coconut coir is a natural byproduct derived from coconut … Ontario Fruit & Vegetable Growers' Assn. Most bales of dried coco are compressed in a 6:1 ratio. I've ran coco for years, it works, yields are good, but it is a pain in the ass dealing with the K, C, N fluctuations due to the wet dry cycle, as well as all the fungus gnats that come in every bag. Buffering is intended to displace the sodium or potassium ions from the coco by replacing with calcium or magnesium. We are a substrate company, and we never have toxicity problems mixing washed coco (not buffer) with peat moss and other substrates. If you buffer, or double buffer your coco coir then you add calmag/calcium/whatever as you normally would every feeding. Growers are observing deficiencies and trying to correct those deficiencies with calcium and magnesium supplements. Hello, just a quick question. You must log in or register to reply here. If you want to ensure your coco is as neutral as possible in terms of nutrients you can extract it with a 1 g/L solution of calcium nitrate and then with 2g/L of tetrasodium EDTA. Pack Out Per 40' HCB - 27,600 Kg Floor Loaded / 24,600 Kg Palletized. Secondly, perfect solution of Calcium Nitrate and Magnesium Sulphate is prepared and rinsed/applied to the Coco coir for a period of time and carefully monitored. Calcium nitrate has a value of 19% calcium, which equals 1,520 g of Ca with almost no Mg, K or Na if the water is clean. Quality coco coir has been treated to replace some of these cation sites with a calcium (such as calcium nitrate). Buffering is intended to displace the sodium or potassium ions from the coco by replacing them with calcium or magnesium. But most decent coco is already pre-buffered. Check to see if the manufacturer of your preferred coco brand is buffered with calcium. On a non-organic crop, using water soluble fertilizers we recommend this solution to buffer coco while expanding it: Mix 1 Kg Calcium Nitrate (CaNO3) + 0,3 Kg Magnesium Sulphate (MgSO4) or Magnesium Nitrate (MgNO3) per 1000 Liters irrigation water. For example, many coco product manufacturers buffer their coco with 8 kg of calcium nitrate per cubic meter of coco. It supplies all the calcium needed if growing in coco. Then buffer it by adding Calmag. This process removes the residual Sodium and Potassium complex in the Coco coir. I wouldn't say a double buffer would be any good to already buffered coco but like cannacoco bricks they are lightly buffered so I buffer at 100% solution instead of the recommended 150%. New to Coco Coir, but not new to other growing systems. Covers the role of cation exchange & offers simple instructions to avoid Cal/Mag problems. also you are growing not very sensible crops as tomato or even cucumber (it is more sensible but we are not talking as if it will be a strawberry). So what do you use then? Even if y The micronutrient part is 2% magnesium. Calcium has a stronger bond to the cation sites than potassium or sodium because it has a double positive charge as opposed to the single positive charge of potassium or sodium. True, but baseless opinions vs opinions based on experience have different values. I have some calcium nitrate. As a rule of thumb, be cautious when selecting bales and bricks of coco. This process is called buffering and it produces a coco substrate that is not likely to release excess potassium or bind the calcium and magnesium required for plant growth. If the pH, CEC and salt content of your particular coco coir is not disclosed on the packaging materials, that information should be available … To Buffer the coir fiber we must introduce divalent Ca+2 and Mg+2 ions This extensive washing with clean water removes the water-soluble particles. “If coir is washed well and its EC is below 0.5 mS/cm or lower, then the coir shouldn’t have to be buffered for most crops. Nature's Coco Coir products are organic, bio-degradable, premium quality and very low EC (less than 0.4 ms/cm). To buffer coco coir, you must expose it to higher concentrations of a solution that you want in the media like calcium nitrate and magnesium nitrate. They buffer the coco coir with a solution of Ca and Mg or just Ca before packaging it and sending it off to your favorite hydro supply store or garden center. This will extract both macronutrients that are exchangeable for Calcium … Why & How to Use CalMag in Coco - Cal Mag Deficiency - Coco For Cannabis. Subscribe to our mailing list today and get greenhouse news and offers first, we respect your privacy and take protecting it seriously. Volume Out-turn 13 - 14 Litres Per Kilo of Cocopeat. What is buffering The process that we call “buffering” involves soaking the washed coir pith in a calcium nitrate solution before flushing again with fresh water. I've tried asking around Google but nothing is giving me the answer I'm seeking. When or do I start adding Calmag into feed schedule? I use calcium nitrate for my nitrogen source. Okay, I understand all of that. Coco is overrated. During the buffering process, coco coir cation exchange complex is saturated with a solution of calcium nitrate for an extended period. JavaScript is disabled. A Featured Post News Coconut Coir. The recommended buffering ratio is 200 litres of treated water (i.e. I presuming nutes for tomatoes and such. Even that this E.C is suitable for most of crops, the point is that coco coir naturally contains in its exchange positions Na+ and K+ (linked to negative positions, they are not possible to remove only washing with water), they can unbalance our nutrient solution  during first plant stages or even be toxic for certain crops as berries; it means that all the calcium and magnesium that we add as fertilizers, coco it is going to hold them on it is exchange negative positions and release sodium Na and potassium K; so to avoid problems during these stages  we need to buffer the coir fiber. I've read, and was recently told, that Calcium Nitrate is a good choice, a dude I was talking to says 50/50 Cal-Mag+ and Ca(NO3)2 is the way to go with Coco charging, something something double charged cation exchange something. Learn why you need additional Cal/Mag when growing in coco coir. Once the process of washing with water is completed then the coir is rinsed well with a … The widespread use of calcium and magnesium supplements in the indoor gardening industry is an indication that many growers have discovered the cation exchange capacity (CEC) phenomenon in coco coir media.. All Content on this site is the Copyright of Leamington Grower or the Copyright of the Original Content Producers

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