Another reference is that your infinities will be around 3.5 seconds long during this early stage which means your crunch value should be somewhere in the 1000s. (It would have taken 8 hours if you went for it before ID1 level 2, and gives about a 1.5x multiplier, hence the delay.). Sign Up, it unlocks many cool features! You will have to turn your Autoclicker off and click other buttons manually for the following reasons, in order of appearance: Buying exactly one of the highest dimension available to you. Hell.'. It starts out costing 10 IP but costs 10x more with each level, and can be bought as many times as you can afford to. If you can't, buy a dimboost. Eternities are the new Infinity (Possible at about 1e18 EP w/ infinity dimensions and active path) - Should eventually be trivial, either you can get them through autobuy, click on big crunch a few times, etc. 11, [22,32,42], [21,31,41,33], 51,61,62, [71,81,91,101], 111, [121,131,141], 151,161,162,171. Above e1200 EP: use 227 instead of 228 in all production runs. This TD multiplier helps a lot, so buy everything costing 1e17 EP or less, then you can buy your first eternity challenge. If you are still stuck, try this helper script: The game has many layers of prestige, and a player can reach a googol antimatter in only a couple of days. and as you buy Infinity point upgrades. You can automate the pressing of R or you can do it yourself, and you will get max RGs in that 5 seconds between crunches. The game still feels very 'active' at this point - but hang in there. Doing this resets all your previous progress, but these upgrades are powerful and currently mandatory for progression. Click it. Make sure to turn every ID autobuyer and replicanti autobuyer on. Set Automatic Dimboosts to 0/8, Automatic Galaxies to 10 and disable Automatic Big Crunch. (Using the setup 11,22,21,33,31,32,42,41,51,61,62,73,83,93,103,111,122,132,142,151,161,162,171,181,191,192,193,211,212,213,214,222,223,228,234|12. 6th Dimension Autobuyer: 'Each dimension costs the dimension 2 before it' means that while 1st and 2nd still cost Antimatter, 3rd costs 1st Dimensions, 4th costs 2nd Dimensions and so on. At first, you may think this is cool, but then you realize "There isn't any new content! Doesn't sound like much, but think about it this way - 1e60 antimatter used to give you an 880x boost - now it gives a 1629x boost. - Gain Infinite replicanti in 30 minutes. By the time you get back to 140 8th Dimensions, you now have a 10.6x bigger multiplier from tickspeed boosts. Replicantis grow exponentially, to a maximum of 1.80e308/179.77 UCe (Infinity), and the more you have, the stronger infinity dimensions get, up to the maximum multiplier that you have at 1.8e308 replicanti (although this can change a lot later in the game). Note: Remember to increase your maximum automatic galaxy autobuyer. Once you have ID1 level 3 and 1e14 IP doubler, use 0/12/28, 14, 3.3e14 to crunch every 32.4 seconds for 6.13e14 IP/min. This takes about 2 hours. All of the above will happen ~1.124x (1/ (1-0.11)) multiplicatively faster by buying Tickspeed increases. It now has a field 'Amount of IP to wait until reset'. You can use this setup if you have enough TT (over 3,300 TT), but it will work in getting more TT.(11,21,22,31,32,33,41,42,51,61,62,73,83,93,103,111,121,131,141,151,162,161,171,181,192,191,193,212,223,232|0). Buy all upgrades that cost 1e7 IP, then all upgrades that cost 2e7 IP - except for 'Generates 5% of your fastest infinity IP/min', which you should only buy when it is VERY cheap. The eternitied multiplier from TS193 on Normal Dimensions will allow you to beat EC7x5. Doing this resets all your previous progress, but these upgrades are powerful and currently mandatory for progression. Note: You can get Antitables in early eternity, as you start over with no infinity upgrades/dimensions/etc, meaning you can get antitables by doing challenge 8 again (it might feel a little different though, so be aware of that.) UltraLuigi. EC12 has a fail condition: If you cannot get enough IP in a certain amount of time, you fail the challenge. Now that you know what your peak IP/min is, memorize that number (short memory). The game has many layers of prestige, and a player can reach a googol antimatter in only a couple of hours. It might be good to supplement your reading with that picture. Now Eternity. You should still follow the order of the Eternity Challenges to increase power, and try to achieve some achievements in row 12. If they were normal runs, they'd have taken a few hours each, so you will have to grind in challenge 8 for some time. ), Also, after getting each broken infinity upgrade, try spamming M to get around 0.2 sec infinities for IP gen based on fastest infinity. In fact, so fast some of them won't even need a single boost or galaxy! Now let's look at Automatic DimBoosts Autobuyer. 1: 1,919 If you wish to max out TS193, you will have to grind eternities, but you will be able to get a larger boost from it, taking from at least few hours to a few days. As a reference, without holding M or using any autoclickers, you should be hitting around 2-3e4 peak IP/min. This may have taken a few days (1-2 days) depending on activity within the game, but the next section will take longer to get past. The place of all your favorite mods of Antimatter Dimensions! (Alternatively try these priorities: 8-1,9 for dimensions 1-8,tickspeed.). Don't forget to go for another dilated run each time you buy a x3 tachyon multiplier, as well as focusing on normal runs every now and then for more EP, which will help you a lot when you go back to dilated runs. Not a member of Pastebin yet? The first field determines how many boosts you buy per Galaxy - 0 for 0 boosts, 11 for 1 boost, 26 for 2 boosts, and so on. It is recommended to retry challenge 8 for this one. 0) In settings, enable the "max all" bottom button. We'll start by looking at the 1st Dimension Autobuyer. share. Note: It is NOT necessary to do runs that take several hours like that. Using these powerful upgrades resets all progress up until that point, leaving you only with the new upgrade - but they are so powerful at the start of the game that it is mandatory to buy all of them. Each tickspeed boost used to give production multiplier of ~1.124x (1/(1-0.11)), now it's about ~1.136x. In this case, do a 36 galaxy run (takes 4-5 hours) and you will earn ~6.8e57 IP all at once! Once you reach 1e1300 EP, TD prices and EP multiplier prices skyrocket to over 1e1400 EP, and you cannot really get to that amount of EP yet. This should give you a Power up all dimensions based on slowest challenge run multiplier of around at least 2,000x. Also get Time Dimension 2 (TD2) when it is cheap. Buy 'Multiply infinity points from all sources by 2 1024x' for 1e11. You can't gain dimension boosts, but the multiplier per-10 Meta Dimensions is slightly stronger. There is also a checkbox 'Is active'. In fact, so fast some of them won't even need a single boost or galaxy! Here is Hevipelle's description on the update (posted at the end of 2018): "The new prestige layer, Reality, is already done. And by continuing to save up unspent IP and buying Autobuyer upgrades past this point, you will be able to push it as low as 0.8 seconds. Before leaving this section, you should focus on grinding eternities. But how do they work? Big Crunch for X amount of IP: Total amount of IP you'd get if you crunched at this moment. Since 1st dimensions are not produced by the 2nd dimension, you can easily get this achievement without having to wait. This will put 'Power up all dimensions based on slowest challenge run' at 15075.38x. 2. Each Dimension will operate 2x multiplicatively faster every time you buy 10 of it. EC11 and EC12 cannot be accessed until you beat EC10 (and get the time studies necessary for EC11/12). (You can do this before you have the 1, You are able to get this by pushing challenge times down to 0.4 seconds. '2 MILLION INFINITIES' - Just wait and maybe fix infinity and turn on your crunch autobuyer on and set your update rate to 33ms in options. As you earn IP, spend them either on making these 3 autobuyers faster OR on buying 4th column infinity upgrades, based on which is wasting more of your time (the specific run that it skips, or having to click specific buttons manually), making sure to keep 10 IP on-hand for the 'Bonus for unspent Infinity points on 1st Dimension' upgrade. Replicanti galaxies are important as well. All of the above will happen ~1.124x (1/(1-0.11)) multiplicatively faster by buying Tickspeed increases. Now that you have done your first Big Crunch, you can click on the Infinity button, and on the Upgrades tab, buy Normal dimensions gain a multiplier based on time played for 1 IP. Statistics has also given a new section, having past infinities, and the feature to be able to complete (other) challenges is unlocked, and the 1st dimension autobuyer is given. Now you earn IP/s 10% as fast as you can earn IP/s by playing actively! This section will be updated when Reality is released to the main game, and is the final big update to the game. RAW Paste Data . Do the first one at 5x, and every subsequent one at about 2x as long as you are not very close to the next Boost or Galaxy. If anything changes about grinding eternities for EC1 or TS193 (relevant in 1e100 EP section), this will be changed accordingly.

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